VII. Very Funny Thames

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    Chapter 7,
   Very Funny Thames

    " You're so funny that I forgot to laugh. "

~ Y/n's POV ~

    After I settled in and brushed my hair, I walked out of the trailer and looked around to see anyone around my age, other than the brown haired boys whose curls seemed to bounce a little with every movement he made, who would have known hair could make someone more attractive than they already are.
   Wait, what am I even thinking? He gave me a disgusting look and I'm over here gushing about how he looks and how good his hair looks on him.

   If I could staple the little voice in my head that reads out my thoughts shut, I would do it.

   I thought to myself as I looked around and spotted a girl with light brown hair, wearing a striped shirt and some high waisted shorts with cute sneakers on, she looked around my age or maybe a year younger than me.
   Anyways, I needed a friend here just so that I didn't seem lonely and because I love making friends with my costars.

    "Hey, I'm Y/n!"

  I smiled as the girl looked away from her phone and made eye contact with me, she had gorgeous blue eyes that could pierce anyone's skin.

   "I'm Madeleine, it's so nice to meet you Y/n."

  Madeleine smiled at me, I looked around and notice it was quite literally just us outside of the trailers.

    "Everyone is in their trailers getting it all together before walking to set, maybe we can walk together?"

   Madeleine offered, I looked at her and nodded not even thinking twice about it, we waited a little bit and decided to get know each other better before walking to where the set was.
   So far, I learned that Madeleine loves playing soccer, she loves acting, she's a thirteen year old turning fourteen years old, and she plays my best friend in the horror movie.

    As well as two of her close friends from her past movie were always in this movie which was exciting, I thought maybe she could introduce me to her friends and we can become a small friend group.
   We got to the set and met with the directors and producers, I smiled and introduced myself as we waited for the rest of the cast to turn up before we're told when we start working on the movie and when the movie is released.

    "Oh, there's one of my friends! That's Mason Thames, he's fifteen years old and he's really cool."

    I looked to where Madeleine was pointing out and noticed it was the same boy who I saw at the market and the same one that my mom pointed out, I rolled my eyes mentally and smiled at the girl before watching the boy make his way over here.
   Just gotta be nice and don't come off as shallow or disrespectful, being rude isn't cute or quirky and it gets people to hate you.

     "Hey I'm Mason!"

  His beady little eyes met with mine and I wanted to immediately throw a punch but I took a deep breath and smiled, introducing myself to him, now a lot of people could say I'm overreacting and shouldn't let someone's facial expression get the best of me but I couldn't help it.
   Sometimes the littlest things can get to you more than they should but you can't help it, especially if it's something that makes you overthink or makes you more insecure than what you already are.

    Immediately when I looked at Mason, he looked back at me and I guess he could have felt my energy because his mood was way off than what it was originally, I felt a little bad because maybe he didn't mean it.
  Soon enough, Mason and Madeleine were making jokes as I was lost in thought, I didn't know whether or not to be nice or if I should be mean to him but I didn't care either.

   Which was a total utter lie, I cared a lot about what people think and if they think that I'm a bad person then I shouldn't be an actress.

    "You look more lost than when I was playing Finney Blake in The Black Phone and was on the bed staring at the grabber."

   Mason joked, I smiled at him but didn't laugh at all.
   " You're so funny that I forgot to laugh. " 

   Okay that came out more harsher than I expected, I sighed and walked away from him, I didn't mean for it to come out more rude but it already left my mouth and if I were to say just kidding I'd sound even more stupid.
   But does being mean to someone who made a disgusting face make me happy and justify my feelings?

  Yes, yes it does and I would confront him about it if I wasn't totally afraid of confrontation.

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