Chapter One

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Samantha POV:

I knew she wasn't done yet.

She was all fist of fury, ponding him till he couldn't see the light of day. I was frozen, watching it all. The were like dogs and cats, back and forth, hissing and barking with cuts and bruises. Blood everywhere, and it just kept coming.

I held my throat, trying not to hurl. I looked away so I wasn't tempted to and swallowed a huge lump in my throat. I told her it was a bad idea to come here, but she never listens. It's always her way, not mine.

I didn't realize there was another one until he fired his gun, and was pointed inches away from me. I ran down the hall, to lure him away from my sister. I still had a little trick up my sleeve.

When you have them right where you want them, it's your chance.

Maddie's voice was tingling in my head. I went into the room next to me and hid. I looked through the crack, and he was searching for me.

"Yes, my chance." I whispered. When he didn't come inside, I made a run for it.

I grabbed the gun out of my pocket, and slowly stepped out of the room, trying not to make a sound. I began to feel dizzy, so I stopped. I straightened myself, and my vision restored.

"Might be because I haven't eaten in four days." I murmured. I held the gun up, and walked slowly down the hall.

We seemed to have met up because he found me the same time I found him. His gun was away, so I had the upper hand. I walked nice an slowly towards him, and he put his hands up, sweat streaking down his face, his feet shaking.

"Easy, don't shoot. I don't know what you've been told, but it sure isn't going to help you out of this". He told me, thinking I would take his stupid warning. "You think that's enough to scare me? Ha, maybe I should teach you a few tricks, starting with your little 'warnings' that you think scares me. I mean, it seems like you'll need it for next time. Otherwise, why else would they leave you to rot here, alone?"

His face was red with fury. I could tell he had enough. He ran up to me, but I didn't shoot. Instead, I stood there waiting for. When he was close enough, I grabbed his arm as soon as he reached me, twisted it till he screamed, and kicked him flat on his face. As soon as he was down on the floor, I shot him.

The bullet cracked through his armor. I bent down to check his pulse. Still alive. I ran back down the hall, just in time to see Maddie kick the guy one last time. She was bathed in sweat and covered in scars and bruises all over here face. I couldn't bare to look at her.

"He hit you that hard, huh?" She gave me a look. I gave her one right back. "Nothing but a few scratches. What's the big deal, S?" I rolled my eyes. "The big deal is that we came here, and you got us into this mess in the first place. Why Maddie, why?" She raised her eyebrows and then chuckled a little. "Well, I guess you can't get enough of me. Hell, you can't even handle a fist to the face. Least you got the other guy though."

I lowered my head down, ashamed and embarrassed. She was right, I couldn't handle even a single punch. I was just too weak. She had to take all the hits for me. Why is life this way for us? For me and her?

Maddie came up to me. She put her hand under my chin and lifted my head up. "It's hard, I know it is. Samy, your very strong. I was joking. I'll always be there for you, no matter what. Otherwise, I would've dumped you on the side of the road already. I love you. We will get out of this misery soon, you'll see, in the future."

You say that, but we still have to suffer no matter what.

I smiled brightly and nodded. She smiled back, kissed my forehead, and patted my head lightly. "Now let's ditch. I don't wanna be here anymore. We'll get caught." Of course. Story of our lives. We always have to look for supplies but make sure we don't get caught. No wonder my sister always decides to ditch right away. "Ok. Let's go."

We ran outside straight to the van. We both hopped inside and slammed our doors shut. The engine started and Maddie shifted the van into drive. She stepped on the gas and we went flying. We were off to find a new hiding place, again.

We drove for about three to four hours and found a place to stay. We hid the van, grabbed our backpacks, and went inside. We set up the tent, and we layed down next to each other. Maddie gave me a concerned look. "What's the matter? Is it something I said?" I shook my head. "Just tired of the same thing everyday, you know what I mean Mad? I wish are lives didn't turn out this way." Maddie gave a long sigh. "I know. I wish I could fix it. I promise when this is over, I will make sure we have better, happier lives. Just give me time, ok?" I nodded. I didn't expect anything from Maddie, my Maddie. I just want her to be here every step of the way for me, with me. That's all I want. Nothing less, nothing more. I love her, she loves me. When the time comes, I want to be the one to protect her. To save her from the pain, the darkness.

Maddie and I stared at each other for a while until my back began to hurt. I sat up, and she followed suit. I began to feel dizzy again, but this time I couldn't control it. I felt Maddie holding me up. "Are you alright?" I shook my head. Everything began to spin and my head was pounding. The last few things I was aware of was me flat on my back, Maddie mouthing something to me, but I couldn't make out what it was. She was shaking me really hard. She was mouthing one word, just one word, and then darkness came in and took me over.

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