Chapter Five

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Samantha POV:

I found some skip tracers along the way.

They were on our tail, trying to capture us. I had lost them, but they weren't giving up, and I knew that. They were going to catch us. They just wanted the money desperately that they'd even take us dead. It was surprising that Maddie had slept through all that. I was surprised she didn't wake up and beat the hell out of the skip tracers. That was a miracle. I never expected her to sleep through that much. She was really exhausted, and I can't say I blame her. She's been taking care of me all day, making sure I'm safe and she never gets a break. She really deserves one.

I parked the van by an abandoned gas station and Maddie began to stur. I shook her a little and she struggled to open her eyes. I stroked her soft hair and she opened her eyes and looked at me. She smiled and I smiled back. "Where are we?" Maddie asked, still heavily asleep. She yawned and I giggled at her yawn. She patted my head. "We're at a gas station. I decided to stop here for a break." I said. She nodded. "How long have you been driving?" I was embarrassed by the question. "I was only able to drive 5 miles." I said lightly. Maddie chuckled a little. I play punched her in the arm. "Only 5 miles? That's a new record I guess." She said laughing. I pouted and she pinched my cheek which made me giggle.

She sat up in her seat and unbuckled her seat belt. I grabbed the bag from the backseat and opened it. The dress Maddie had gotten me fell out in between us. Maddie stared at me, and I just stared at the dress. "Have you seen it already?" She asked. I nodded, not even glancing at her. After a while, I hugged her. She was shocked but gave in and hugged me back. "I've seen it Maddie." I said, tearing up. Maddie hugged me tighter. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. I pulled away and looked at her with tears. "I didn't know how." I said lightly. She wiped my tears away and smiled. "I loved the dress Maddie. It's beautiful. I just got a little emotional when I saw it for the first time." I said. She nodded. "I understand Samy. Next time please just let me know." I nodded and hugged her again.

Maddie and I went inside the gas station. "You can look around while I go use the bathroom, ok?" I nodded. She handed me the bag and I took it, letting her go use the bathroom. I walked around, searching for food or something useful. I grabbed a few cans of food left on the shelves.

I stubbled on something and when I looked down at it, it was a gun. I had lost mine at the hotel but seems like this one could replace it. I grabbed it off the floor. Then I heard glass break. I jumped in horror and dropped the bag. The person was coming closer and closer and my heartbeat sped up. "M-Maddie? Is t-that you?" I stutter in fear, wanting it to just be my sister. It wasn't Maddie. It was Harley. She recognized me with just a glace, and held her gun to my face. I slowly lifted the gun that I had found to her face as well.

Maddie came running out of the bathroom and found us both with our guns up. "Welcome Madison. Decided to join the party?" Harley smirked at her. Maddie hissed at Harley until she looked at me. I was shivering in fear with the gun shaking in my hand. "Samy, put the gun down and give it to me." Maddie said lightly. I shook my head. "Samy, give me the gun." She said, more insistently. I shook my head again. "Better listen to your sister dear. Little baby Samy doesn't want to get hurt." Harley smirked and her joke. I snarled at her. Maddie backed away from me. She knew I was losing it.

I held the gun, but lowered it a little. I wasn't going to put a bullet in her head, though I had really wanted to. Maddie stepped closer to me again. "Samy give me the gun!" She yelled. I didn't move. When Harley became distracted in Maddie's yelling, I put my finger on the trigger, and pulled it back. I shot her. Harley screamed in pain as I froze, not realizing what I had done. I heard Maddie gasp behind me. Harley fell on the floor, moaning in pain. The gun shook rapidly in my hands. Then I dropped it, and fainted.

I felt Maddie's grip on my as I felt her lift me up, with some pressure in her arm. She must be carrying the bag too. When I was able to open my eyes again, I was outside. Maddie opened the van door and slipped my inside the passenger seat. I put a hand on my head and moaned in pain. I must've fell pretty hard. Maddie strapped me in and put her hand on my head. I looked at her and she was panting. I gave her a small smile and she returned one of her own. "I'll be ok." I croaked. She nodded. "Where are the keys?" She asked. I slowly reach for my pocket and grabbed the keys from inside. I handed them to her and Maddie lightly shut the door and ran to the driver's side.

I saw Maddie hop inside and strap in, and started the van. She shifted it into drive and stepped on the gas. She drove for about a mile before calming down. She looked over between me and the road. "I'm ok." I said weakly. Maddie gave me a small smile. "I just need some sleep Maddie." I said. She nodded. As soon as she stopped focusing on me, I fell asleep and started dreaming about mom, and how she would've reacted seeing me do that with a gun.

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