Chapter Four

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Madison POV:

I heard vehicles outside.

I woke up to use the bathroom and made sure not to wake up Samy. I saw lights out the window and heard vehicles pull in. They were black SUV's. Skip tracers. We needed to go, now..

I ran to our room and tried to wake Samy up. She wouldn't move. We didn't have time so I picked her up from the bed and carried her to the van. I unlocked the door and strapped her in the back seat. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and started the van. The skip tracers had gotten out of their vehicles and were heading towards us.

If I run, they'll catch onto me. I'll also be putting Samy in danger. I looked behind me towards the backseat. Samy was still asleep. I knew if I ran I would risk Samy's life along with mine. But Samy was more important. So I made up my mind. I pulled the bag from the seat next to me and grabbed the black jacket inside. I picked Samy up from the back seat and moved her to the front passenger seat. I put the other black jacket on Samy. I strapped Samy in the her seat and strapped myself in. I hid Samy's face as much as I could.

The skip tracers approached our van. I was staying low. "Excuse me miss. We are looking for these girls. Have you seen them?" A familiar voice asked. I looked at the photo. It was the both of us. "No ma'am. I haven't seen them. If I did I would've contacted someone." She nodded confirming my point. "And the little one next to you? Is she okay?" I looked over at Samy. I nodded. "Yeah. She's ok. She's just really tired after a long day." The lady examined Samy. I got really nervous. She looked so familiar. I was able to recognize her when she looked at me.

Harley. Harley was a skip tracer that's been looking for us for quite some time. She is obsessed with us. We have a good money reward if we're turned in. I knew she sounded familiar. "Well I let you be on your way miss." She said. I nodded. "Thank you." I replied. Harley told the others to let us go through. They got out of our way, and I went through pretty quickly so they couldn't catch on.

I drove for about 10 more miles as Samy began to stur. She straightened, stretching herself out. She moaned in her own sleep, still clearly exhausted. She opened her eyes and looked outside the window. She was a little confused. "Where are we?" She asked, still asleep. "We are 25 miles away from Charleston; West Virginia." She looked at me with a little shock. "You drove 10 more miles?" She asked surprised. I nodded. "When did you start driving?" I looked at her and looked back at the road. "Last night." I replied. "Why? You didn't sleep then?" I shook my head. "Skip tracers." Her eyes widened. "Was Harley there?" She asked. I nodded. "Don't worry, I didn't take off right away. I hid us in the black sweaters that we had in the big bag." She nodded and continued to stare out the window.

I felt tired. I wanted to pass out but since I was behind the wheel, I couldn't. Samy gave me a worried glance. "I'm fine." I said. She looked down at her hands and back at me. "Do you want me to take the wheel?" She asked. I hesitated, but I nodded.

I stopped by the side of the road and we switched positions. I stared out the window as Samy drove the van for a while, and I drifted off to sleep.

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