Chapter Two

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Madison POV:

Samy laid on my lap and I held her in my arms. I would place my hand on her forehead every five minutes to see if she would wake up but there was no response. I stroked her hair lightly, hearing her moan in pain. I wiped the tears from my face. I pressed my forehead against her, trying so hard not to cry again. I held her tightly, wanting to shake her awake.

Her breaths were slow and steady, so I didn't worry about it. I gave her medicine out of a syringe and pushed it down on her left arm. I cleaned it off, and wondered why this had to happen. It wasn't the first time she's experienced this. But why now?

I closed my eyes, which reminded me to breath.

I felt Samy stur around and I immediately opened my eyes. She moaned, trying to open her eyes. When she was able to open, she stared at me. I rubbed my thumb against her cheek as she winced, then she smiled. I gave out a sigh of relief.

"Are you ok?! You freaked me out!" She sat up, staring at me, watching my concerned face. She leaned against me. "I'm ok. I'm sorry." She whispered. "I should have told you that I felt bad. Sorry... sorry." I kissed her cheek. "You should've told me. I had to give you your medicine so you wouldn't get a stroke." I hugged her and she hugged me back.

I grabbed my bag and took out some food I had found in the abandoned gas station. I gave Samy one of the sandwiches, opened it up, and dug into it. "Woah, slow down. It's not like it's gonna disappear." She giggled. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She gave in and pressed her back against my chest.

We both ate together for a while until are stomachs were full after having them empty for a few days. Samy began to look pale. "Do you need anything?" She saw the concern deep into my eyes straight inside of me. She shook her head. "I'm good. I'll be ok Mad, don't worry, I promise." Not sure if she was telling the truth or lying so I wouldn't be worried, but I nodded. I kissed her cheek, and pressed my forehead against hers. "Don't hide anything away from me, please." I whispered. "I just want to keep you safe, even if you think I'm being too much for you." She rubbed her thumb against my cheek. "I know Maddie. I don't think you're too much at all. I love you Maddie." I smiled with tears in my eyes. "I love you too."

Samy was my everything. Ever since mom died, I always had to be the parent, the example . I promised mom I would take care of my little sister, no matter what comes out way. Mom trusted me with Samy, so I have to take care of her. I had to play the part, so my sister could be safe, safe and alive. I didn't want my mom to think I wasn't capable to take care of Samy, so I proved it to her before she died. I didn't want Samy and I to be separated, so I did the best I could and managed to gain my mom's trust and she told me that she would leave Samy to me, but I would need to be on the run with her, day and night. We've been all over the place, people searching for kids for a simple reward, money. I taught Samy a few defensive tricks that mom had taught me, and also taught her how to fight back but knew she wasn't ready, but I taught her earlier so she could know whenever she was ready. Samy, my little sister, wasn't always on my side. We would argue a lot, over how things would work for the both of us in each situation. I never liked it, but Samy would give in and see it my way in the end. I just want what's best for her sake. When mom was around, we had everything. Dad left when Samy was born, so mom had to learn to be a single mother and manage with two little girls. My mom was able to manage and we grew up with wealth, and the love of our own mother. Then mom became ill, and she couldn't run the company anymore so she had to shut it down. We took to the hospital weekly for a check up just to make sure she was ok. One day the doctor had told us she only had a few months left, since the couldn't do anything about her illness. Me and Samy took care of mom for the last few months she had, and had passed away on her final night in our arms. We both had cried for weeks, and we still do sometimes. We moved on, and protect each other from anything that comes our way. I love Samy, and I always will.

Samy had fell asleep next to me, clearly exhausted from today. It must be the medicine, I thought. I carefully sat up, so that I wouldn't wake her. I slowly crept out of the tent, making sure she was still asleep I heard her moan and stur and her sleep, and released a long breath. I walked to a near by shelf, grabbing the last two flashlights and three packs of batteries. I put them in my bag so I wouldn't loose them. I searched around the store, making sure I wouldn't go too far from the tent. I saw some clothing racks and figured we needed some extra clothing, so I turned on my flashlight and looked around. I found some shoes in our matching sizes. I found a bigger bag on the side, grabbed it, and placed the shoes inside.

I had found some sheets and pillows, which would come in handy for the both of us. I ran into a pink dress with flower print on it.

"Beautiful." I whispered

I approached it, and saw how gorgeous it was. It was exactly Samy's size, so I grabbed it and put it in the bag. She will look beautiful. I walked back to the tent, placed the bags down, lied down next to Samy, turned the flashlight off, and drifted myself to sleep.

We were off the next morning. Samy had the map in her hands, leading me to our next destination.

"Next stop is in... Virginia."

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