Chapter Three

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Samantha POV:

We drove for about seven to eight miles before Maddie got tired. We stopped on the side of the road, so Maddie could take a break. She went into the gas station for a little while so I was left alone to watch the van. I found a bag in the back, grabbed it, and dug inside. I had found two flashlights, three packs of batteries, clothing, shoes, and a dress. I stared at the dress in confusion, picking at its fabric.

My size, I thought. Maddie must of grabbed it for me when she found it.

I looked at the dress again and a memory had popped into my head. I remembered when mom used to get me dresses like this every year for Christmas or my birthday to stand out from everyone and look pretty as ever. She always remembered my favorite color, pink. I never wanted to wear anything pink again, because it reminded me of mom. Anything would just remind me of mom. Tears flooded my eyes as I looked at the dress again. Maddie must of had a little memory of me wearing dresses like this all the time when mom was still around.

I hugged the dress to my chest and sobbed. I could see her, her beautiful smile looking down at me. I held the dress tighter, stroking the smooth fabric against my chest. I felt like my heart was about to burst in joy, but I just couldn't stop crying. So many memories of mom popped into my head, and they wouldn't go away. They would stay there till we'd be in danger, like they always do.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and put the dress back into my bag. Maddie started to I threw the bag in the back, sat up, and acted like nothing happened. "Sorry I took so long", she said as she hopped in and slammed the door shut. "I felt beat like hell. I really needed that break". She started the engine and looked over to me. "You alright? Your face is red and stained." I nodded. "I'm alright. So you got your break then?" She nodded. She shifted the van in drive, and we were off.

The drive felt strangely calm and peaceful. I slept for a few hours until Maddie shook me awake. "Where... are we?" I asked, my mouth feeling like sand. "I stopped by a hotel for us to stay for the night. I already checked us in. We're about 35 miles away from West Virginia, so we'll just stay here for tonight, and go a few more miles tomorrow. That's alright with you, right?" I rubbed my face and nodded.

I felt like throwing up after hopping out of the van. Must of gotten car sick again. I walked slowly next to Maddie as we headed into the hotel. The lady at the desk had already given Maddie the key to our room, so we headed to the elevator and went straight to our room. I set all the bags down inside next to the door as Maddie slammed it shut. I sat on the bed while Maddie unpacked the sheets, blankets, and pillows. She sat next to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She gave into the touch and hugged me.

Maddie looked pretty upset and I got worried. "You ok? You seem upset. Was it because I feel asleep earlier and you couldn't pass the wheel over to me?" She shook her head. "Then what's wrong? Headache? Stress? Anxiety? Migraines?" She sighed and rubbed her thumb against my cheek. I know Maddie. She had put on her 'trying to collect my thoughts' face. She looked at me and looked back down at the floor. I gripped her shoulder. "Talk to me. I'm all ears. You can trust me." Maddie hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to worry. I'm just thinking." I stroked her hair. "About what?" She took a deep breath, and exhaled. I waited for her to speak again. "I think about our future. What gonna happen. I don't exactly know what the future holds, but I hope our future will be better than this. I really want to get out for this misery for good. I just wish there was a way to. I want what's best for you, Samy. I don't wanna loose you, because we've already lost mom. You already see just how hard it is for us, so why still suffer for another four of five years?" She looked down at me again and I seemed to understand. "I had a choice when mom was still around. Either I would leave you, or I would learn to grow up and take care of you myself so we wouldn't be separated and so I could keep you. I chose to keep you, because I love you. Your my sister and I would never leave you behind." Tears flooded my eyes as I hugged her tighter. "I love you too, Maddie".

We both took a long shower to get all the dried blood and dirt off of us. We both laid down in bed and turned on the TV for a while until sleep called our attention. We both drifted to sleep and fell asleep a few minutes later. I began to dream.

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