Chapter four

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When I wake up the world around me spins. Yes, it's colourless, but it spins. I am back in the dull room. That is what I will call it now, for it is nothing but dull and it certainly doesn't look like my room which has been taken over by some stranger. I swallow and close my eyes. The world is making me dizzy, it really should stop spinning.

The door sharply opens and somebody enters. I could probable tell if I could actually open my eyes without the spinning.

"Well, I hope that you're very, very ashamed of yourself, young lady."

It's Nurse Hilly. Now I don't want to open my eyes. 

"I know that you're awake." she snaps

Well obviously I'm awake. I just can't open my eyes without wanting to be sick. Instead I just nod a little and she seems to get it.

"The side effects of the drug we used on you won't go for another few hours. You'll continue experiencing some dizziness, nausea and a slowed heart rate which will leave you a bit groggy. You deserve it you know." she says, "You embarrassed us all out there. That young boy is new here and the first thing he knows he's got some crazy girl bursting into his room and acting all loony. It's a miracle you didn't scare the life out of him. Acting like a mental person." 

"Well that's why were here isn't it." I say, "Because we're are crazy people." 

Nurse Hilly takes in a breath and I hear her muttering about ungratefulness. The door to the dull room slams violently shut and it's just me alone again. I sit up to quick and fall clumsily onto the floor. My head is spinning and I only just reach the toilet in time before another wave of nausea comes along and has me emptying my stomach. 

A few hours later I am laying on my bed feeling extremely exhausted. This is how the drug made me feel and I am now certain that I do NOT want it again. Not that I wanted it in the first place. 

In the following week I do exactly as I am asked to. I eat my meals, I go to bed and I read the dull book that they gave me about farming. Why in Gods name would I want to know about farming? But I finish the book anyway and consider myself well educated on the importance of picking the correct fertiliser and making sure that no pests are able to attack the food. At the end of the week I am allowed a treat. 

"Come on." Says Nurse Hilly, she's gone back to treating me like a young child again, "I've got a surprise for you."

I follow her along the corridor and down the many sets of stairs that await me at the end. For a moment I think that I am being taken back to my old room and a glimmer of hope shines through me. That glimmer is not long lived. We turn a corner just before we reach my old room. Instead we are in a different room. My second favorite. The music room.

A smile sets into my face and before anybody can stop me I am heading through the double doors, straight towards the baby grand piano that stands there. Nurse Hilly follows after me, apologising to the people that I accidentally knock. Today the room is full, but most people are talking instead of playing music. 

When I reach the piano I see the music that is set up for today. Boring. As usual. It is in the key of A minor and feels like it should be a very dramatic piece, but the composer has forgotten to add that. I play it once through to make sure I know it, before I improvise. I add in trills and crescendos and acciaccaturas. Then I slow it down and make the music sad and moving. But soon enough it's back to its usual dramatic self. Finally I decide that that is enough and begin to move away from the piano, but a hand brushes my shoulder and I flinch in shock before turning around and flinching again, out of shock. 

The boy from the other week is there. He is smiling that amused smile that I first saw. 

"That was really good." he says, "How did you learn like that?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I've always loved music."

He stares at me for a while. Then he puts out his hand and says "I'm Pip."

"Nice to meet you, Pip, I'm Kaylee." I reply, shaking his outstretched hand

"So," he asks, "Why are you here? In the HOME I mean."

I study him. Why does he want to know this? I could tell him but then he'd think me crazy. Well it wouldn't be a surprise seeing as I am in a mental hospital. At last I give in, but I make sure that I'm staring into his deep green eyes before. So he knows that I am not l lying. 

"I see spirits. Fairies, kind of." I say, he looks interested, but not as if i'm a crazy freak and he wants to run far, far away from me. 

"I mean, they're more like glowing shapes, but once in a while I can see a shadow of the figure." I rant, "And they're all different colours and it's just so beautiful." 

God, I've said too much now. Nurse Hilly will have heard me and will be coming to shuffle me away, but there's one thing that I need to know first.

"Why are you here, Pip?" I ask

He smiles a mischievous smile that lights up his whole face.

"Because I can read peoples past." He says

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