Chapter twenty-two

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Kaylee's POV

It's been two weeks since I awoke and my life has never been happier. I mean, yeah, I was happy with Pip, but there always seemed to be something that put me down. Violet has me working as a waitress in her cafe and I seem to be learning the normal ways of life, I even made a friend. I didn't tell her about my past and the nice thing is, she doesn't pressure me to tell. Her name is Flora and she's nineteen, so three years older than me. With a head of pure black hair and cloudy grey eyes, she is simply the most beautiful person that I've ever met, and the nice thing is that she doesn't even care. 

"Can you get table five please?" Flora asks me, "I need to sort out the kerfuffle at table three." 

I look over at table three to see that a wailing toddler has vomited all over their food and somehow they seem to be pinning the blame on us. Grimacing, I nod at her before walking over to table five. Two men, both dressed in blue, are sitting. One is reading the news and the other is sorting through his bag. They look up as I approach and share a look that, strangely enough, sends chills through the back of my spine. 

"May I take your order?" I ask politely

There is something about these men that makes me nervous. I don't know if it's the fact they look eerily similar or the fact that they don'y smile or something entirely different, all I know is that their auras are grey and unwelcoming and that is NEVER a good sign. 

"Yes...Lila, you may." he says, reading out my name badge and frowning at it.

The way that he says my "name" makes it seem as if he knows. 

"Two cups of tea, no sugar, thank you Lila." he tells me, accenting my name again

I nod and hastily walk away. On the way to make their tea, I bump into Flora.

"You okay?" She asks, "You seem to be running as far as you can from that table? Did they make a comment about your hair?"

Glaring at her, I nervously reach up to pat my hair. She knows how conscious I am about it. For Christs sake, IT'S BLUE. If I hadn't seen so many other people with odd hair colours, I probably would've run straight to Violet and demanded that she changed it back at once!

"No, I don't know why, but they seriously scare me..." I mutter and Flora laughs

"You're so cute," She laughs whilst pinching my cheeks, "I could just eat you! Don't worry, it's probably just your extensive imagination. Ohh, and before I forget, check out table nine, I swear it's like heaven in the form of men..."

I smile warily at her before she goes away and I finish making the tea. Flora knows that I'm done with relationships. Still, I can't get over Pip and I don't even know if I want to. Slowly, I pick the tray up and begin carrying it over to their table. Their cold grey eyes meet mine. They are so empty that I can't help but imagine the dull walls of the room I was once kept in. As I put the tray on the table I can't help but glance in the creeps bag, and when I do it's like hell freezes over.

Sticking out the top are four letters. HOME.

The tray that I'm holding clatters to the ground and tea spills all over the floor as I jump back in shock and horror. They know. These two creepy men know who I am and want to take me back to that hell. NO!

"Um...I...I'll just...Sorry..." I stutter, this is not my day

I bend over, almost as if I were about to clean it up.

And then I run.

A/N: I will put a picture of Pip to the side...hehehe, i love how cute this actor is awwww :)

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