Chapter 1: Clover

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"Clover!" I jump up from my seat on the couch and my sun glasses fall on to my eyes, my brother Vinny stands in front of me looking annoyed and I smile sheepishly at him.

"Hey vin" I say and wave at him, he shoots me a look and glares more. Holy moly what have I done?

"Clover....where the fuck are my lucky charms?" Oh yeah

"I have no idea, I swear on it" I don't, I definitely ate them yesterday but he doesn't need to know that.

"It was Eli" I blurt out and nod my head, pointing towards the sliding glass doors and to the pool where my brother and his friends are hanging out. Vinny storms outside and I go back to painting my nails.

"Clover!" What now. I hum and suddenly both of my brothers are in front of me dripping wet and huffing in anger.

"Can you step back? You getting water on my fluffy socks" I tell them and they both step forward and shake themselves off like dogs. Water droplets are shaken all over me and I shiver.

"cosa state facendo voi due idioti? state bagnando il mio nuovo divano!" ("what are you two idiots doing? youre getting my new couch wet!") my mamá shouts at them both and walks up to us all, she hits them upside the head and they apologize sheepishly.

"God, I should have stayed on birth control, you know clove baby, I think your brothers are all the contraception you'll ever need, just remember them when they were 7, that'll put you off" she says and my twin brothers stare at her in shock.

"Dad, mums being unnecessarily mean to us" Vinny shouts and My dad stops and looks over to us all from the hallway.

"I didn't see anything and I wasn't involved" he says and puts his hands up.

"Idiot" my mother mutters and struts over to him in her heels and slim fitting black dress. My dads wearing an all black suit as well.

"I love you really my sweet babies" she teases as their friends walk in from the pool and snicker.

" Mummm!" They both whine and I smile at my mum who winks at me and blows me a kiss.

"Where are you going anyway?" My brother Eli ask and my dad looks at his watch and puts an arm around my mums waist.

"A funeral" my mum deadpans and our faces drop their smiles and we nod at them

"What the fuck indigo! We're going to a black tie event, you're mothers just weird" my dad informs us and my mum laughs.

"Oh I'm the weird one? Please that's the funniest thing I've heard all year and I'm a funny person" she says and they walk off hand in hand as my dad protests.

"Moneys on the side for take out darlings! We'll be back tomorrow morning my loves" my mum shouts as they leave through the front door and my brothers smile at each other.

"No" I say and walk into the kitchen, they groan and one of their friends, Dante pulls me into a hug.

"Please clove?" They all chorus and all 10 of them incase me in a huddle that's supposed to be a hug. I love hugs.

"Ok fine but make sure it's not to loud and it's cleaned up by the time mamá and papá get home" i manage to get out the sentence even though I'm being smothered by 10 overly built, college American football players who are 21 years old and who act like high schoolers.

"It'll be like it never happened" Nick says from behind Sam and I grin at them.

"I'll be upstairs" I say and walk to my room on the third floor, by the time I get up the steps I'm wheezing and bending over with my hands on my knees. Who's idea was steps. Ew.

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