Chapter 7: Chase

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"I want this fuck found and I want it done within the next 24 hours, do you understand?" Grey orders in his authoritative voice and all the men stood listening nod.

Grey dismisses the meeting and I stay behind for a bit after he signals for me to wait, he sits in his chair and i wearily sit down opposite him and watch with a calculated stare as he sighs and runs a hand down his face.

"As clovers dad" he pauses and clenches his jaw "this is the last thing I'd ever want to do....but I need you to take her into the city to your pent house and stay with her for a few months" i immediately tense up and go to decline but I stop when I see a look of desperation in his eyes that I've never seen before.

"Just until this shit blows over, I don't trust that these men are going to fine whose terrorizing her and I also don't think it'll get done in the next 24 hours...I have a feeling this might take a long time, and I need clover to be safe and out of the way and the best way to do that is for her to live with you, the most dangerous man I know, someone who will protect her and make sure she stays as unaware and unworried about the situation as possible"

"Grey I respect you, but she'll be in ten times more danger with me. You know what I do. She hates me for it. She'll hate being away from all of you. She'll feel safer here" he nods and leans back in his chair.

"You're right, I just worry about her"

"I know" we sit in silence for a bit until the door to greys office opens and Ace walks in holding a piece of crumpled paper. He looks furious.

"What's wrong son?" Ace slams the paper on the table at greys question and turns it so we can see what it says.

Dear king family,

You don't know me but I know you. I want your daughter clover and I will have her. Just you wait.

A feeling I can't describe rises in my chest and I get up quickly and rush out the door, ignoring Ace and greys questioning glances as I go. I make my way to the medical rooms and grab on the door handle of clovers room. I try and open it but it's locked.

"Clover!" I bang on the door, but there's no response from the other side.

"Clover!" The lock clicks and I breathe a sigh of relief when she peeks through the crack and looks at me confused.

"What's wrong, I was trying to listen to music before you caused a mini earthquake in my room" I glare at her and grunt. She doesn't need to know about the letter.

"Nothing" I turn to walk away but something stops me from leaving.

"Clover?" She sighs and opens the door fully


"If you ever feel unsafe you call me ok?" She scrunches her brows together and laughs slightly.

"Why so serious" she jokes but I don't laugh with her, she hesitates and stops laughing.

"Alright chase" I nod at her and turn around as she closes the door gently with a smile smile that I find oddly reassuring.

My fingers go to the four leaf clover tattoo on my wrist and I take a breath. I'm going to find the fucker that's doing this and I'm going to make him regret even looking at clover in the first place.


"Hey mamma" I love my my mum. I love her hugs, her food, her kindness. She's the best mum ever. I don't honestly know how my dad got her in the first place. She reminds me of clover, the way she's so selfless and caring. She always got a smile on her face.

"Hey baby, how are you ?" I bend down to hug her and she reaches up on her tip toes to kiss my cheek. She pats down my hoodie and beams widely at me.

"Have been eating ok?" She rushes out


"Are you sure because last time I came over to that pent house of yours you were living off of sandwiches" she huffs at me and my dad rounds the corner of our house from the living room and smiles at me.

"Hey son" he pats my back and ruffles my hair as I greet him back and head into the kitchen where I can smell my mums food.I stop in my tracks when I see a fat lump in my seat.

"che cazzo ci fai qui, grasso bastardo" (what the fuck are you doing here you fat bastard) i curse in Italian so my mum won't understand.

Ace shovels some more pasta in his mouth and sticks his middle finger up at me.

"Bea!" Dirty mother fuckers getting my mum involved "Chase just called me fat and said the f word" a harsh slap on my shoulder from a dish cloth has my dad and ace in stitches as I glare at them both.

"Help yourself to some pasta after you've washed your mouth with soap chase Carter"

"Yes ma'am" I nod at my mum and grab a plate to serve some pasta as i glower at ace whose still snickering away to himself.

"So why are you actually here"

"A girl" I stop in my tracks and look at him.


"I'm being serious" Ace doesn't date. He never has. Which is why I look at him with such confusion.

"What do you mean a girl?" I ask and sit next to him.

"Well you know Delilah Facett" I stop my eating and look at him. Of course I know Delilah Facett. She killed more men last year than most of the mafias combined leaving her signature red lips pressed onto each of her victims cheeks. She's the most deadly woman in the underworld as we speak.

"Why the fuck are you pissing around with her" I wonder and ace sighs.

"We fucked" I nearly spit out my pasta at that.

"And then she stole from me and left her stupid red fucking lipstick on my bedside table"  I laugh at that and take a mental note to congratulate her next time we run into each other.

"Well isn't she just a charmer" ace groans and gets up to wash his plate.

"Tell me about it" he looks into space for a second and then continues.

"There's just something about her man" i hum and scroll through some emails. I wouldn't know what that feels like. I've never loved a girl apart from my mum and that doesn't count. Waste of fucking time. That's what emotions are.

"Good luck with her" my dad voices as he walks through into the kitchen.

"She's a real cold hearted bitch apparently"

"MAVERICK CARTER!" My dads eyes widen he turns and heels it out the kitchen.

"Sorry baby!"


Hey loves I'm back! Nightly updates are back to!

A little glimpse into a possible story for ace ;) what do you think?

Happy reading!

Love y'all!

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