Chapter 4: clover

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"Hello?" I'm stood outside chases door with a pasta filled bowl in my hand as I wait patiently for him to open it.

"Chase?" No answer

"Are you dead? Oh lord, Chase! Do I need to call someone, am I going to be questioned by the po-po? Chase-" the door opens and Chase looks down to me with a scowl.

"Can you shut up" he grumbles and I walk under his arm and through to his pent-house.

"Clover go away"

"No" He groans and catches up to me as I enter his black kitchen.

"You should really consider some color in here, it's so....depressing" I tell him and grimace at the dark set up.

"I like it"

"I don't"

"It's a good thing I don't give a shit then isn't it?" I set the bowl down and unwrap the foil from the top, I mix it round and look for the microwave while Chase watches me and leans against the counter.

I reach up and try to put the bowl in but I can't quite get to it. A tattooed arm reaches over me and grabs the bowl from my hand, he puts it in and sets the time.

"So how was work?" I ask and he sighs and runs a hand down his face.


"I'm a drug addict" why did I say that?

"What the actual fuck clover" he says and looks at me weirdly, I shrug and tie my wavy brown hair into a bun.

"Stop swearing" I say and he rolls his eyes.

I try to hoist myself up onto the counter but I can't, Chase watches my struggle and walks over, he grabs my hips and lifts me up. I feel myself blush which makes my face grow hotter at the thought of him thinking I found that....nice.

"Do you have butterflies?" I ask and he cocks his head at me and furrows his brows.


"We aren't friends" I say and cross my arms, the timer for the food goes off and he gets his pasta out and grabs a fork from the drawer by my thighs.

"Ok" he replies and shrugs, I hit his shoulder and he glares at me.

"What was that for you little shit"

"You're supposed to be sad if I say we aren't friends"I explain and but he just stabs some pasta and sticks it in his mouth. I grab the bowl from his hands and he looks at me annoyed.

"I'm sad we aren't friends.....can I have my food back now" I hand it back to him and smile.

"Ok we can be friends again"

"grande" (great) he says sarcastically. He walks over to one of the black stools and sits down, he continues to eat as he looks through his laptop and I hop off the island.

I go and sit next to him and he looks at me from the corner of his eye.


"Your too close" he mutters and I brush the hair away from my eyes.

"You picked me up a minute ago"I tell him matter of factly and he sighs and shuts his laptop.

"That's because it's painful to watch you try and get on that fucking counter" he replies.

"If you swear one more time I'll never come here again-"

"Fuck" rude.

"That's just mean"

"You're just annoying, can you go now?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I'm going when I want to go and you're still eating alone" I lean back on the stool and trace the lines of marble along the work top as chase finishes his food. He gets up and puts the bowl in the sink, I follow after him and when he disappears somewhere I wash up the bowl and dry it.

"Bye Chase!" I shout out as I leave and I hear him grunt in response. I shut the door behind me and make my way down the steps towards the lobby.


"Ciao mamma" I greet my mum as I get home and she smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

"Your father and Oakley are being a pain in the ass" she complains and I giggle. I walk into the kitchen and see my dad and uncle arguing about something.

"Grey, I will hack all of your phone systems if you hit me again"

"Oakley, I'll Fucking shoot you if you try and slap my ass again" I watch amused as my dad pulls out his gun and aims it at my uncle. I hate guns but i sure do know how to use one, my dad and mum made sure I could defend myself with one.

"I'm only putting it away because my daughters here" my dad says and slips the gun back into his waistband, he walks up to me and kisses my forehead gently.

"I'm going to bed, love you all" I say and head up to my bedroom quickly after putting the bowl down. I take off my crop top and jeans and get into the shower. The smell of my lavender shampoo lingers in my bathroom as I do my skincare and wander out into my closet.

I change into some sleep shorts and a jumper but just I go to lift my covers and get into bed I see a piece of paper laying in the middle of my blankets.

I pick it up and read it tentatively, my vision blurs as I think the writing is some kind of sick joke.

You'll be mine clover, I liked the view from your window last night. We'll meet soon my darling.

Someone was watching me in my own home and I had no idea, I've always been made to feel safe but suddenly I feel like my bed is the most dangerous place I could possibly be right now. How could someone say such things and to watch me. I know for a fact I got changed in my room last night, how much did this person even see?

My hands shake and breathing gets faster as I take in the situation, this isn't good at all.

I leave my room and clutch at my throat ad I try and take in air that isn't going in. I slam into a hard chest and I recognize the cologne as my brother Ace.

"Clover watch out, you're so clumsy-"

"Clover?" He puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head to look at me, I must look a mess right now, red face, tear sand most probably snot. Gross.

I wipe my nose with the sleeve of my jumper as Ace holds my hand and brushes the air away from my eyes.

"What's the matter" I try to regulate my breathing but I'm starting to feel dizzy as I can't breathe.

"What's 5 things you can see" this is what my dad does with my mum and what my family have always done with me. It helps.

"You, the stairs, the doors, my phone, the paper" my voice trembles when I mention the note and Ace nods and smiles softly at me with reassurance.

"4 things you can hear" he prompts and I take another deep breath.

"Your voice, music, mum and dad talking and myself" he squeezes my hand and I feel myself calming down. He brings my head to his chest and hugs me tightly.

"I swear to fucking god clover I'll find the bastard who left that note and kill him if it's the last thing I do" Ace growls out and I regulate my breathing.

I know it's just a note but I have a feeling something much more sinister lies beneath the surface of it and I come to a realisation that I've never felt before or had to experience.

I'm not safe


Here you go my loves <3

Love y'all

Happy reading!

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