Episode Five - New Student

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Ms. Bustier addressed her class with her usual warm smile and friendly greeting. She wore a white cotton jacket over a blue blouse. Her hair was styled in a bun and her face was painted lightly with makeup.

"Morning, everyone," she said, tapping on the clipboard she seemed to always have in hand. "I have an exciting announcement to make." Marinette settled in her seat in the back and kept a pleasant look on her face despite being unhappy about sitting alone. Her eyes landed on the vacant spot beside her. She shouldn't be here. She should be down there with Alya and Lie-la should be forced to sit all by her lonesome.

Though she tried to look somewhere else, anywhere else, her stubborn eyes were drawn to the four students taking up the first two rows. Adrien and Nino sat beside each other, awaiting Ms. Bustier's announcement. They had been friends almost instantly upon meeting, best friends.  Nino was still in the slow process of showing Adrien the ropes of navigating his social life.

Behind them, Alya and Lila sat together. Lila leaned over, covered her mouth with her hand, and whispered something into Alya's ear. Alya stifled a laugh and lightly smacked the desk in an attempt to restrain herself. She seemed to have forgotten about her dear friend Marinette who was all alone.

"Alright, in the next few minutes a new student will be arriving. He's currently in the office. I want you all to give him a warm welcome and be kind. Adrien, I'm sure you'll be happy to see him..." All eyes fell on Adrien.

"His name is Felix."

There was a tense silence in the air. Marinette stiffened in her seat, especially as she realized the only open place in the classroom was the one beside her. Everyone was remembering Felix from their last meeting, how he'd gotten them akumatized by pretending to be Adrien. Marinette also remembered how he'd tried to kiss her, despite her protests and she'd punched him in the face. Her fists curled. Ugh. She hated him.

As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing Felix, wrapped in his usual cloak of arrogance. He received not the kind smiles Ms. Bustier had been expecting, but angry glares and half-masked scowls. He was dressed in a gray vest and undershirt. Last time she'd seen him he'd been wearing Adrien's clothes.

"Felix," there was a desperate edge to the teacher's voice, as if she was trying to resolve a situation that was waiting to happen. "Take a seat next to Marinette. She's in the back. Marinette, wave."

Marinette rolled her eyes but threw her hand lazily into the air, making a show of her distaste. Felix smirked and walked casually up the aisle to Marinette. He sat beside her and dropped his bag on the floor with a loud thunk. His blazing green eyes were eerily similar to Adrien's, except they lacked the kindness. Instead, there was a conceited deviousness inside them she'd never spotted on Adrien's face.

His hair was the same to, although they styled it differently. While Adrien's was messy and casual, Felix kept his gelled back. He was very neat and put together. He was very good looking, but Marinette ignored that fact and abruptly turned away. She could no longer stand the sight of him.

He leaned over, his lips dangerously close to her ear. His voice was smooth and deep, "I feel like you don't like me." She could feel his warm breath on her ear. She jerked her head back around, her gaze latching onto his. What was he trying to pull?

She knew he didn't think he was talking to the same person he had been on Chloe's rooftop all those months ago. His voice sent chills down her spin and made her unexplainably cross.

"Of course I don't like you," she hissed. "You got all my friends akumatized."

Felix thought for a moment, as if struggling to remember. "Oh that? That was so long ago. Can you really hold a grudge that long?"

She crossed her arms and her bottom lip stuck out in an unintentional pout. "I can and I will." Again, she angrily thrust her face away, unwilling to associate with him. It only served to further vex her when she heard him chuckle softly.

"Felix, I know you're new, but you really need to pay attention," Ms. Bustier finally ended their 'conversation' with her gentle tone of voice. "Marinette, please stop distracting him."

A few students whipped their heads around to fix her with an icy stare. It angered them that she should entertain Felix, their enemy. She turned to glare at him, to his amusement.

Great, she thought, he's already ruining my life.

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