Episode 12 - Vex

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"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir exclaimed in unison, bumping fists. It had been a usual attack by Hawkmoth -who was actually Scarlet Moth, although they didn't know it- and the villain had been defeated rather easily.

"I wouldn't say that so soon," a deep, husky voice warned them. They both spun around, finding themselves confronted by a man in a wolf suit. He had sandy blonde hair, greenish blue eyes, and a leering simper. He had gray wolf ears, situated much like Chat Noir's except they looked quite fluffy. His face was covered by a gray mask. His suit was made of the same material as hers, with black and white highlights. He, however, had a real tale, not a belt like Chat Noir's. If the glimmer in his eyes weren't so malicious, Ladybug might find him rather... attractive.

What's wrong with you, Mari? she scolded herself.

With the worst timing possible, her miraculous began to chirp, signaling she was about to transform back. The new villain smiled, knowing exactly what this meant for her.

"I'm going to squash you, Ladybug," he told her confidently. His face reminded her vaguely of someone.

"Who are you?" she asked, hoping he'd slip and tell her his true identity. But of course, that would never happen. She knew that, although she wished she could change it.

"Call me Vex," he declared, tilting his head and smiling menacingly. His eyes focused on her, staring into the depths of her soul, it felt. Suddenly, a terrible wave of loneliness crashed upon her. She was alone. A lone wolf. It clutched her heart, squeezing her. She trembled violently, incapable of concealing such raw and intense emotion.

"Ladybug?" Chat cried as she stumbled backwards, a hand flying to her chest. Her miraculous chimed again. Her eyes pricked with tears. Chat moved in front of her, forever her protecting shield, but she hardly noticed.

"Oh my god," she muttered. "I'm going to die alone."

"Indeed, you are, Ladybug," Vex confirmed her fears. He stepped closer but was met by a furious Chat Noir, twirling his staff. He stopped and continued to further verbally torment the superhero.

"Everyone you love is leaving you, Ladybug," he reminded her. "Your friends, everyone who's ever loved you. How many times has Chat Noir called you Bugaboo? None!"

Chat, confused, glanced at his partner. "I thought you hated that nickname."

While his attention was diverted, Vex struck. He slammed his fist at Chat Noir's face, sending him skidding across the rooftop, almost falling off. Ladybug was suddenly slung back into the present, into the action happening around her.

"Chat!" she called. She took her yoyo and sent it flying around the villain.

"You can't control me!" she shouted. "I know who I am." She fought not only Vex, but herself to believe the words.

He laughed ferociously at her, unbelieving. "Stop lying, Ladybug!" he howled. "You lie to everyone. Don't deny it." Enraged, with a violent motion she sent him spinning towards her. They ended face to face, only a few inches of distance between them.

"I'd kill you..." she began, but trailed off, realizing what she was saying. How had one man managed to twist her mind so much, leaving it contorted and damaged.

"Then do it," he taunted her. "What's stopping you? What do you have to lose?" His crooked smile revealed all his pointy teeth. They were frightening and somewhat alluring at the same time.

"Everything," she hissed. She kicked him away from her and released the coils of her yoyo. Then she leapt off the building, darted inside through a back door, and detransformed. She was breathing hard as she handed Tikki a tasty treat. The loyal kwami ate her snack quickly and soon Marinette was Ladybug again.

She rejoined the fight to find Chat Noir and Vex locked in an intense battle. Chat battered him with his stick and Vex returned the blows with his fists and claws. Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around his legs and the wolf boy fell to the ground.

"Alright Vex," she declared triumphantly, "You had a nice run, but it's time to deakumatize you." He only laughed, a vicious hateful sound. The hairs on her arms rose under her suit.

"You'll never manage to do that!" he announced. In a speed too fast to detect his precise movements, he wormed his way out of the yoyo and was standing before her.

"This was a warmup, an introduction," he told her. "Better enjoy those miraculouses while you have them."

"When they're no longer mine," she countered, "It'll be because they're my predecessors. Not because you took them from me."

"If that's what you need to tell yourself." With that, he bounded away disappearing into the chaos of Paris streets. She moved to pursue him, but Chat Noir held her back.

"Trust me, Ladybug. We'll see him again."

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