Episode 8 - A Feather and a Moth

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It had been Gabriel Agreste's idea to have Felix stay for an extended period. All the times he'd visited prior had ended in disaster, and he was borderline a liability to Gabriel. But, nonetheless, he saw his potential and knew just how to make the boy work for him.

It had been easy to convince his mother to let him stay. Gabriel had already had his luggage brought to his room and sent Felix straight to school. Felix, who had a knack for stirring up trouble.

And it was Gabriel who was waiting for him, standing in the middle of the grand foyer of the Agreste house, when Felix returned. He was not at all pleased with the situation, having never enjoyed spending time with Adrien or his dumb friends. However, he was stiffly polite when speaking to his uncle, the way he'd been taught to be.

"Felix, so good to see you home," Gabriel greeted him, his voice dry. "I've had your luggage already put in your room. It's beside Adrien's. You can get settled in a moment. I would like to speak to you first."

Felix warily followed his uncle into his office, his hands folded behind his back. His eyes wandered, examining his surroundings with care and studying his older relative, trying to read him. Never in his life had Felix trusted Gabriel.

The doors closed behind them with an unsettling noise. Nathalie before the door, waiting for her assistance to be needed.

"Felix, you're an observant young man, and you see and hear a lot. Not to mention, you piece things together a lot better than most. In that manner, you're quite like me. See, I too am smarter than my peers."

"You're point, Uncle?" Felix inquired curtly.

"My point," Gabriel began, an ominous tone to his voice, "Is you'll be of great assistance to me." He nodded at Nathalie who locked the door. The room seemed to chill. Felix stiffened and his blank expression fell away, revealing his icy stare.

"What do you want from me?" he demanded, preparing for confrontation.

Gabriel laughed, cackled really. "Nooroo, Dark Wings, rise!" he shouted, spreading out his arms. A purple substance engulfed him, then fell away, revealing him in a purple and grey suit. Felix backed away but spun around when Nathalie called out, "Duusu, spread my feathers!" She too transformed, reminding him of Paris's two superheroes.

Hawkmoth. Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth. Felix laughed. Deep down, he'd always thought so. He fit the role so perfectly, how could it not be so?

"Not the reaction I was expecting from you, Felix," Hawkmoth remarked.

"I'm not as surprised as I should be," he grinned. "You're pathetic, Hawkmoth. All this power and you can't even take two pieces of jewelry."

Hawkmoth cackled again, letting the insult roll off his shoulders. "That's why you're going to help me," he pointed out.

"I'd never," Felix snarled.

"Oh, but you don't have a choice," Hawkmoth smirked. Nathalie marched to him and handed him a purple feather. It dissolved into his staff and suddenly he was Hawkmoth no more. He was Scarlett Moth now. He took one of his moths and transformed it for its evil purpose. It flew straight for Felix.

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