Episode 15 - Hunger

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Lunch. Felix was heavily wound up.

He walked with Marinette to the cafeteria. The dress complimented her movement, swaying seductively around her hips and he could hardly stand it.

"Wait," he said, stopping. She paused, then turned around to face him. The tightness of her garment outlines her waist.

"Something wrong?" she asked. Her silky blue bangs fell onto her forehead like a grand curtain. Her lips were practically begging him to act. He stepped forward, urges running through him, an animal-like hunger gnawing at his bones.

"Yes," he replied. "You're being too slow." He took a step closer.

She raised a quizzical brow. "Too slow? What do you mean?" Another step. He was standing so close to her... she could smell his cologne and if could feel his warm breath on her skin. She forgot about the people around them, lost in a world where only she and Felix existed.

"Are you a witch or something?" he asked instead, avoiding her question. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting her lilac scent wash over him. Then he took her waist in his hands and guided her gently to the janitor's closet.

"F-felix," she stammered. "What are you doing?" She wasn't afraid of him, but the hungry stirring in her chest was a feeling she wasn't accustomed to. It reminded her much of when he'd tried to kiss her on Chloe's roof. She'd punched him then. But now...

Now she wanted him. So badly. They both surrendered to desire and drew close, their bodies becoming one. Felix held her face, firmly yet gently, scared to make her uncomfortable but finding it impossible to restrain himself. Marinette's finger found his soft sandy hair and she slid her fingers through it, tousling his golden locks.

Her mouth parted and he slanted his face. They were both breathing heavily. Felix had been kissed before in his life, but never like this. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her even closer. If he weren't holding her, she feared she'd collapse.

"Mmmm. Felix," she cried against his lips. She never wanted the moment to end. It was perfect, beyond her wildest dreams. Felix was much gentler than she'd ever expected. He responded to her touch as much as she did to his and not once did he make her uncomfortable.

"What is this?" she murmured, struggling to breathe properly.

He never got the chance to answer. The door swung open followed by a chorus of astonished gasps. They both froze and slowly, reluctantly, peeled away from each other. Marinette fingered her hair and straightened her dress. Felix pulled down his sleeves.

Standing in the doorway was Lila with her entourage of loyal followers. All Marinette's old friends, Alya included were standing behind her. Alya even dare to look betrayed. Like Marinette owed her anything.

"Marinette?" Lila gasped, feigning surprise for the sake of appearances. "How could you? Do are feelings mean nothing to you?"

"Marinette..." Alya trailed off. She was hurt with no explanation as to why.

Felix stood stoned face, mentally preparing himself to be betrayed. Of course, Marinette would side with her friends.

"You don't get to make me feel ashamed," Marinette snapped, anger clawing at her soul. "You all abandoned me! We're not friends anymore! And I like Felix!" She stopped her foot in exasperation. Felix perked up at this. "What right do you have to stop me from... from doing this!" she cried.

She turned to Felix and pressed her lips vigorously against his.

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