Episode 13 - A Little Crush

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After just a few short days, Marinette was significantly more comfortable in Felix's presence, just as he'd expected. He'd known he'd win her over, just as he planned to do to the rest of his classmates.

What he didn't expect was the strange, alien feelings she invoked in him. He never felt like he usually did when he was around her, held in the soft grip of her lilac perfume. It seemed her positive energy spread to him.

He couldn't help but admire her. She was undeniably attractive. He allowed himself to notice these things, vowing it would never grow into more than physical attraction. She was just... some girl. She meant nothing to him.

But her eyes were so vivid and bright, like lulling ocean waves. And her lips looked soft and inviting. What would she do if he leaned over, took her small dainty hands in his, and softly brushed his lips to her. He could do it, so easily he could. But would she push him away? Would she hate it? Would it anger her?

He was angered by himself for even considering it. Emotions were pretty much beneath him.

"Why's your face like that?" Marinette's sweet gentle voice returned him to the room. "You look... constipated," she told him, finding no other way to describe it. She chuckled.

He raised a brow. He hadn't realized he'd unconsciously moved closer to her and had been staring the whole time.

"I'm thinking," he replied gruffly, swallowing hard. He wrinkled his nose, trying to ward away the uninvited feelings that were currently eating away at him. He was a villain, a hardened prideful soul. How could he be caught in something as meaningless and stupid as a high school crush?

"About?" she inquired, looking to probe his mind. He wasn't the type to share his thoughts. Despite his silences, she still felt as though she'd known him her whole life. They were puzzle pieces, fitting together perfectly.

Even Adrien didn't compliment her personality as well.

"Don't be nosy," he responded. "It's my own business." His greenish blue eyes glittered. They looked somewhat like Vex, but she knew he couldn't be Vex. The way he looked at her was very different from how Vex had looked at Ladybug.

"Alright then," she replied, smiling. "Try to guess what I'm thinking." Ms. Bustier was teaching her class down at the front but the two students in the back were wrapped in their own little world. Felix stared into her eyes, seizing the opportunity to stare at her fully, unwaveringly. He almost feared if he stared too long, he'd fall into the pools of her eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to look away.

Marinette stared back at him, no falter in her gaze. Gosh, she thought before she could stop herself. Has he always been this handsome?

"You're thinking about how you're completely in love with me and how good looking I am."

Marinette's cheeks reddened. He'd been partially correct. She buried her face in her hands and Felix despised himself for noticing how adorable she was when she was flustered. "Don't say that," she protested. "I don't know you." But her heart was singing a different tune.

"I think I'm right," Felix said smugly. "Your face is practically on fire."

"Shut up," she muttered, but her voice was playful. He laughed, enjoying her embarrassment.

"Lovebirds in the back," Ms. Bustier called out. "Please pay attention. This next part's important."

Everyone spun around to look at them and it was then Marinette realized how close they were. There wasn't even a foot of space between them. It would have been so easy to close the distance.


"I can't believe you like Felix," Lila said loudly. Class was dismissed for the day and Marinette was ready to return home. But if anyone was to stall her, it would be Lila, intending to humiliate her further.

"Don't you remember what he did to all your friends? Are you really that disloyal?" she continued. Marinette couldn't stand her whining tone of voice. Alya stood beside her, but she seemed to be invested in Lila's words completely. She nodded in agreement.

"What friends?" Marinette spat back. "You guys hardly make any time for me. I don't even sit with you at lunch anymore."

Lila smirked but Alya seemed taken aback. "How can you say that?" she began but Marinette didn't let her finish.

"I'm not mad," Marinette told her, though it wasn't completely true. "Friends move away from each other. Groups break up. You have Lila now, so don't pretend you need me. I think it's better this way."

"Marinette, I-"

She never completed whatever it was she had intended to say. Marinette turned around and hurried to the door, looking for an escape before she burst into tears. She saw Felix already there, walking leisurely outside.

She didn't want him to see her distressed, so she tried to hurry past him. But he caught her purse and she faltered. With one step, he was beside her. His eyes searched her; she almost felt naked beneath his gaze.

"What's wrong?" he asked, more emotion in his voice than she'd ever heard before. It was the same strange feeling he'd experienced that day in the cafeteria. The one he hadn't been able to name then. But now he feared it was concern.

"I-it's nothing," she told him, but he saw right through her. He looked towards the school, his eyes landing on a familiar face.

"Is it Lila?" he asked through gritted teeth. His voice was a deep, throaty growl. There was a strange anger on his face she'd never seen before.

"She just-" Marinette couldn't bring herself to finish. What had she done? It was all Marinette's fault. She was her own disease.

"I'm going to kill her," he announced with an animal-like protectiveness.

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