Episode 14 - Red Dress

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Marinette tugged at his sleeve at that seemed to slightly calm him. His gaze returned to hers and the sharpness faded. 

"I'm just overreacting," she assured him. "Don't worry. And please don't hurt anyone, okay."

"Who said I was worried?" he retorted, but he'd already been exposed. There was no way he could change the way he'd reacted. A moment of silence passed between them. Finally, he sighed and muttered, "Come on. I'm walking you home."

"You sure it's no trouble?" Marinette asked fretfully.

"I'm certain," he replied. "I'm walking you whether you like it or not." He seized her hand, finding hers fit perfectly in his. Her heart raced unexpectedly as they began walking. He was so handsome... tall and perfect. She struggled to peel her eyes away.

He walked, stiffly at first, but growing more comfortable. He'd never really done anything with Marinette outside of school. If only he could walk her home every day. He was so enveloped in her presence he didn't notice anything else. It took all his might not to turn his head and stare at her.

When they finally reached her place, Marinette invited him inside.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Plenty of girls had invited him over but she was the only one he cared about. They're friendly relationship was finally on the right track. What if he ruined it?

"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't," she replied. Still gripping his hand, she led him inside. The sweet scent of baked goods filled the air. Her father, a big and looming man who would be scary if it weren't for the kind expression on his face, stood behind the counter.

"How was school, Marinette?" His eyes landed on Felix. "Is that Adrien?" he asked. He looked like Adrien, but different at the same time.

"No, this is Felix," she responded.

"Is he your boyfriend?" her father asked, looking him up and down. Marinette's face burned with embarrassment.

"Aah! No, he's my friend." Marinette attempted to hide her blush, but it was a failing attempt.

"Welcome, Felix. Want anything?" her father offered, gesturing with sweeping arms to all the bakery's treats. "On the house."

"Oh, I couldn't do that," Felix replied, gesturing with his hand. "I was just walking Marinette home. Thank you, though."

"Are you sure?" Felix nodded in response. "I have to go now," he replied. "Thanks again." He backed out of the bakery and hurried down the street, before his cheeks warmed to noticeably. His head was spinning from her father's words.


"He definitely likes you!" Tikki exclaimed, spinning around the room in excitement. Her eyes widened with an idea. "You should wear that dress you made the other day!"

"But Tikki-" Marinette began.

"And put your hair in a bun. He won't be able to resist you."

An image flashed in her head: Felix's piercing gaze raking over her hungrily. She felt the tug of undeniable attraction. She'd intended to protest but she found herself saying, "Alright. I'll wear it."

The next morning, she pulled the dress over her shoulders and Tikki zipped it. She styled her hair in bun instead of her usual pigtails, leaving a few strands free to frame her face. She even added a light coat of lip gloss and enhanced her lashes with mascara. She was truly, undeniably stunning. Though she didn't know it then, Felix would certainly think so.

She was nervous walking into school, wringing her hands and looking around for. People definitely stared, enchanted by her beauty.

Entering the classroom, her eyes immediately sought Felix. She found him easily, his gaze pinned to hers.

He quickly averted her eyes, feigning indifference. Adrien, however, was unable to stop staring. Kagami noticed, and she definitely didn't appreciate it.

"You look... different," he noted, his eyes wandering the length of her body. She didn't shrink under his gaze, but rather enjoyed the attention.

Felix's heart thumped in his chest. Was he supposed to sit beside her all day? That would take an enormous amount of self-control. How was he supposed to do that when she looked like that?

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