Episode 16 - Accident

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"What's going on here?"

For the second time, Felix and Marinette broke apart. This time it was Ms. Mendeleiev who had interrupted them. Lila smirked, her green eyes meeting Marinette's.

"Get out of the janitor's closet," Ms. Mendeleiev commanded. "Now." Everyone back away as Marinette and Felix stepped out and closed the door. He crossed his arms, unimpressed by the purple-haired teacher.

"What's going on here?" she demanded again.

"They were making out in there," Lila was all too happy to chime in. Marinette and Felix both glared at her, but she wasn't frightened in the least by their icy stares.

"I better not here of any more of this vile behavior!" she announced, pointy her long, bony finger at them. "Marinette, Mr. Damocles wants you."

Marinette, her head bowed and her cheeks bright red, clasped her hands before her and hustled out of there. She hurried up the stairs, still horribly aware of everyone's gaze, boring into the back of her neck. Despite her embarrassment, she was still walking on air from Felix's kiss.

She knocked on her principal's door timidly. "Come in!" came the reply. She shyly opened the door and took a seat at his direction.

"Marinette, I have some bad news for you," he told her, his expression sad. She waited, assuring herself she would be prepared for anything he had to say. She doubted it was about the kiss. It didn't seem possible he already knew about it.

"Your father called. He wants you to meet him at the hospital."

Marinette's eyes widened but she tried not to fear the worst. "F-for what?" she asked, voice trembling.

"It's your mother," he told her. "That's all I know. I suggest you hurry."

She nodded vigorously, then spun around and sprinted from the room. She tore down the stairs and rushed right past Lila and her minions. Right past Felix, who never even got the chance to open his mouth before she breezed by.

She practically flew out of the school, running down the street as fast as she could. Then, she ducked into an alleyway, transformed into Ladybug, and rushed the rest of the way there in record time. Before entering the hospital, she returned herself to regular old Marinette and, after a steadying breath, stepped inside the building.

After a brief inquiry, she found the room. She opened the door and was immediately taken aback by the expression on her father's face. There were tears in his eyes, and she knew the worst had happened. She'd never seen her father cry before, and she knew it was a moment that would stick with her for the rest of her life.

He instantly moved towards her and wrapped her in his strong embrace. She found she was crying too, even though she didn't have the details.

"Sabine," he told her, his voice husky. "She's... she's gone." He shuddered, trying to hold back a sob. He needed to be strong in front of his daughter.

"H-how could she be gone?" Marinette cried, stepping back. She sank to the floor, gripping her head in her hands. Her eyes were wide and frantic. "What happened?"

"There was an accident," he told her. "She was only supposed to be gone for a moment-" And now she's gone forever, Marinette internally finished the sentence for him. Her hands were shaking violently. She wanted the floor to swallow her whole. She wanted to wake up and find this wall all just a terrible nightmare.

But the job of a superhero was never complete. A little purple moth with glittering white streaks fluttered into the room. She watched in despair as it entered the buttons on his shirt and his free will was stolen from him.

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