Episode 10 - Even

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Marinette was late to school, and she didn't find any joy in the sight of Felix already at his seat. She jogged up the rows, calling out apologies to her teacher. She squeezed in beside Felix. Her lilac perfume was extra strong today and Felix found himself enveloped in it. In reality, she had spritzed the usual amount that morning. His senses were only heightened from the akumazation.

To Marinette, Felix seemed extra annoying. He continued to bounce his leg and the movement caught her eyes. Up and down, up and down, tap, tap, tap. It never stopped. She tried to ignore it and bent her head down over her paper. When that didn't work, she stared at the teacher. They soon made eye contact and Marinette became flustered, so she withdrew her gaze.

After what seemed like years of enduring his energetic tick, she snapped. She slammed her hand down on his thigh and his leg stilled. His whole body stiffened, caught off guard. It took every bit of restraint for him to stop himself from lashing out. He would have slapped her, otherwise. He was nervous and on edge and everything seemed like a threat.

"What's wrong with you?" Marinette hissed. "Quit bouncing like that or I'll get akumatized, it's so annoying." He glared at her for a moment, but the sweet spray of her perfume made him lightheaded. He leaned back and gripped the table for support.

For a moment, she forgot who she was talking to and asked, "Are you okay?" She instantly regretted asking, because she didn't want to show any signs of compassion towards him. But her reputation was already down the toilet anyway.

"Fine," he said curtly.

But she was already caught in a whirlwind of thoughts. Her popularity was already a fleeting thing. Did it really hurt her to be nice to Felix? She had to sit beside him for the rest of the year. The least she could do was be courteous. She didn't have to like him, but she didn't have to be rude either.

He had been right. What he'd done to her and her friends was so long ago. And he probably only did it because he was jealous of Adrien. That was the thing with Adrien: You either loved him, wanted what he had, or both.

She extended her hand as if they'd just met. "I'm sorry about yesterday," she told him matter-of-factly. His eyes widened in thinly concealed surprise. He hadn't been expecting such a drastic change from the previous day.

He smiled, assuming his usual arrogant demeanor. "And what if I don't want to forgive you?" he inquired, leaving her hand in the air alone.

She shoved her irritation down into the depths of her soul and plastered on her most pleasant smile. "Then I guess that's your choice. But I kind of feel like we're even."

"Then I guess I'll accept your apology." He sighed dramatically but finally accepted her hand. It was warm and small and soft.

Despite being an outcast here, back in his home, Felix was the best beau to be had. He was loved by all women, sometimes even older ones. He was quite charismatic when he wanted to be. He knew how to keep a woman on her toes then sweep her off her feet.

However, he knew he would not be so easily accepted in Paris, and his mind games would have to be played a different way. It would take some actual effort to make his classmates adore him and follow his instructions. If he had known he'd be forced to spend a whole school year with them, he'd never have pulled that stupid prank.

But, whether she knew it or not, Marinette was the key to achieving ultimate popularity. She was his opening, his gateway. He'd make her love him and soon the rest would follow. Marinette was a born leader, he could see. Even if it seemed her friends were falling away from her, he knew they'd return in time.

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