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I had been making a huge mistake when I thought aunt Caroline would be the one crying when I leave. But here is aunt Rissa crying her eyes out and aunt Rissa had to be the one comforting her.

"I will call home once I get to Jade's" I said to be able to pry myself out of aunt Rissa's hug. "You have to let go Aunt Rissa or I'll miss my flight" I whispered and she let go. "When you want to come back home, just call my number" aunt Rissa said for the fifth time and smile in response.

It was my first time travelling from home and I'm alone, so I slept through most of the flight. When the plane landed and I had left the airport, I was lucky to run into the car assigned to get me.

"Thanks" I tell the driver after he had dropped me off at my aunt Jade's apartment. Antoinette Jade aka Jade, is my Mama's younger half sister. Being only six years older than me, she was more like a big sister than an aunt. Jade was that kind of person that makes me laugh with every action she takes. Despite my personality, I become a chatterbox or I think I become a chatterbox whenever I'm around her. She treats me like a little sister and she's the toughest girl I've ever met.

I knocked at the door and got no reply. After ten more minutes, I gave up and sat in front of the door. "Freeze, if you move I'll literally hit you with a carburetor" I hear my aunt say from behind me and I literally freeze. "Jade, it's me... Cardia" I say and she said, "oh".

I turned to look at her. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun behind her head. She was dressed in her mechanic uniform and looked dirty from oil and sweat but she was still beautiful. "I totally forgot that you were coming" she smiled at me and pinched my cheek before leading me into the house.

"Welcome to TeeJays place" she said as she showed me around. "Look kid, I forgot about dinner so we're having pizza. You don't really mind do you?" She asked and I giggled. "Exactly what Aunt Caroline said you'll do" I said, making her giggle in response. It was an adorable giggle coming from a tough lady like her.

"Do you know that if I wasn't a mechanic that I'll be a really good footballer?" She asked me as we ate. "You're such a boy" I laughed at how she wolfed down her pizza. "How's Caroline and her babies?" She asked. "Jamie is teething and Teddy is taking football seriously" I replied with a smile on my face. "Awww I miss home" she pouted, making me laugh again because she looked very adorable.

"So, tomorrow you'll be checking the school out, right?" She asked and I nodded. "Don't nod" she said sharply. "Yes ma'am" I replied. "I have actually got everything sorted out, they are resuming school tomorrow, so I'll be joining them as they start the new session" I explained and she nodded. "And you'll be moving into the school's house" she said.

"Yeah but only for the weekdays, I'll always be here for the weekends" I said, "Okey-dokey. Come on, eat up and go to bed early" she said and stood up. "If you need me and I'm not in bed, I'm down in the garage" she said.

"Thanks Jade" I said as she retreated into the house. After she had left, I stood up to go around the house. I saw a picture of my Mama and me. It was when I was much younger. My hair was down and I was pecking Mama on the cheek.

Looking at the picture made me miss my Mama even more. I heard the fridge close behind me, startling me. "Sorry, I can't sleep without a bottle of water beside me" she said and walked to where I stood.

"You miss her don't you?" She asked and I nodded. "That was a foolish question, I mean who wouldn't miss her" she said with an awkward laugh. "Your Mom was more than a good person. She was amazing" Jade said.

"Can you tell me about her?" I asked and Jade shook her head. "Not tonight love, not tonight. You need to go to sleep, you must be really tired from your trip" she said and stirred me away from the picture and led me to a room that looked as if it had been rearranged. "Sleep tight brownie" she said and blew a kiss at me. "Good night Jade" I smiled at her.

After I had washed up, I laid in bed and brought out Mama's diary. I didn't read it as I had ought to because I was scared.
Scared of what? I really don't know. The only part I had read was the front page where Mama dribbled

I just got home from the hospital.20 weeks pregnant and I didn't know..... I'm so scared but
I think I'm very much in love with Alex Sterling
I need to ask if he loves me too
He loves me...he love me not.....he loves me...he loves me not
How do I tell him about the baby?
l'm back again, I went to Alex's to tell him about our baby but his sister told me that he had gone off to college and it was sudden for him too...oh God did he love me? What do I do? I hope I'm not wasting my life

That was how I figured that Alex Sterling was my father and I started apply for the new school. It was killing two birds with one stone. I needed to ask and get the answer Mama was asking... Did Alex love my mother or did she waste her life?

What do you think???
Was Mama loved or what??

Up there's Jade

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