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"We miss you over here" aunt Caroline said as she watched me brush my hair and prepare for school. "I miss you too aunt Caroline" I said and put my hair in a ponytail. "Any news yet?"  Aunt Rissa asked and I smiled. I knew she was asking if I wanted to come back home yet. "No, we're good" I replied with a smile. "Well seems to me like she's improving, she has spoken with us five minutes straight without nodding or shaking her head" aunt Caroline said to aunt Rissa who rolled her eyes. "I really have to go now, I promise I'll call the moment I am ready to come home" I said and we rounded up the video call.

I sighed and flopped back on my bed. I turned and laid on my side as the scene of the past two days plays in my head. Alexander has been avoiding me and when I get near, he keeps throwing me out. I was getting honestly tired but I still kept my hopes high. I got up and picked up my bag to leave for school. I went to Alex's door and knocked but got no reply. "Alex, it's Cardia. I'm going to school. Have a great day" I said and left for school.

At school, things have been pretty great. Emma, Chelsea and I have been bonding a lot. My anxiety disorder have been reduced by a lot and I haven't had any attacks yet. I am more than grateful. My pep talks every morning includes talking to Mama's picture, going through parts of Mama's diary where she wrote of me or having a morning chat with aunt Jade. I have been bumping into Elijah Woods a lot in class. Most of the pairing up have been with him.

"Hey Beautiful" Emma greeted me as soon as I entered the class. I blushed and used my hair to cover my face because she said it so loud and eyes turned to look at me. "Hi Emma, where's Chelsea" I asked as I sat down. "She's hanging out with her cousin today. Wanna go?" She asked and my eyes widened with shock. "And miss school?" I asked and she laughed, "they are in the football field practicing for a game but it's going to be pretty late before they round up. Can you wait after school?" She explained and asked me. I nodded.

I didn't want to say yes but at the same time I didn't want to go home early. Being around Alex and him ignoring hurts too much. The only person that would panic if I didn't go home early would be Juanita, so I don't mind waiting. "Alright class..." The teacher called our attention and we stopped our conversations.

While she spoke I zoned out and thought of Mama. I imagined the both of us living the kind of life I wanted. The kind where Mama didn't have to die and where my Father was good to us. Where we will be happy. Maybe if he hadn't left us, I wouldn't have gone through the pains that made me who I am. "Cardia Colson, are you crying?" The teacher asked and I came back to my senses. I touched my face to wipe the tears off quickly. "Do you want to take a break?" She asked and I nodded, still crying. I was overwhelmed by a kind of unexplainable grief that even I don't understand.

"Come on over here" the teacher said and walked over to me, she helped me to stand up, "class give us a few minutes, we'll be back soon" she said to everyone while using tissues to wipe my tears. Aunt Jade made sure to let the teachers know about my personality, I guess that was why the teacher was soft on me. I picked my bag as she led me out.

She took me outside to the back of the school and the tears kept coming. "It's alright darling, everything is going to be alright" she pat my back as I sobbed. "Everything's going to be alright expect Alex" I said and she blinked, "who's Alex?" She asked and I shook my head. "It's alright if you want to sit here and let it all out since its the last class for today" she said and I nodded again.

As soon as she left, I sat on the floor and placed my chin on my knees. "It's so hard God please help me" I said and kept quiet. I heard someone groan and I instantly stood up to see who it was. I saw Elijah Woods clutching his stomach and blood seeping from under his shirt. I ran to him in a hurry and knelt in front of him. "What happened to you?" I asked and stretched my hand out to lift his shirt but he slapped my hand away. "Get lost" he said and I shook my head.

"You're bleeding" I stated firmly and pushed his hands away. He didn't struggle with me with time around as I lifted up his shirt and saw a slash that was bleeding through it's bandage. "I am a victim of clumsiness-ionia" I said and he chuckled. "Okay I made it up" I laughed too. "But I'm a very clumsy girl and I get injuries a lot, so Mama taught me how to treat injuries. I always carry first aid items in my bag.... Can I?" I asked and he nodded.

I brought out my kits and started to work on his injury. When I was done and had put on fresh bandage, I brought out a sticker Mama gave me and put it on it. It was a cross sticker with Jesus on it. "It's my special sticker, it'll help you heal fast because Jesus died to heal you" I said and stood up with a smile on my face. I looked at my watch and realized that time had gone and I was one hour late for my date with Emma.

"I have to go" I said and picked up my bag. "Heart, right?" He asked and I frowned in confusion. "Your name, it means heart doesn't it?" He asked and I smiled again, "yeah, heart" I said. "You're cool" he said and I nodded. "Bye then" I said and walked away feeling happy that I could offer help to someone.

I went to the field and spotted Emma and Chelsea who waved at me to come to where they where. "I was looking for you, I was so worried about you!" Emma hugged me the moment I got to them. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me" I said and she sighed with relief. "You're okay right? Where were you?" Chelsea asked and hugged me too as soon as Emma let go.

"I was at the back" I said and I looked down while blushing. "Who were you with?" Emma frowned. "Elijah Woods" I whispered. "Oh no" Chelsea said and I blushed harder. "Do you like him?" Emma asked, "gosh no! I-I just feel so good that I was able to talk to someone without stuttering or nodding and that I was able to make someone smile" I said with a sighed. "Don't go near him, Dylan will murder you" Chelsea warned and I nodded. "But what does it mean when someone says I'm cool?" I asked and the both of them looked at each other face puzzled. "Its means you're cool. So be cool" Chelsea nudged me, "now hush let's watch" she said and pointed to the field.

Elijah Woods!. Should she stay away or......???

CARDIA: The Mafia's Heart✓Where stories live. Discover now