twenty six

165 8 0

Cardia's POV

I woke up from my 'sleep' feeling sharp pains in my head. I groaned as I tried to move but I felt ropes digging into my skin. That was when I realized my position, I was tied to a chair and my hands to were tied. "What's happening?" I asked myself and tried again to set myself free. The last thing I remember is dad fainting and while I was trying to help him out, I heard footsteps but I didn't have enough time to look back before I was hit hard on the head.

I heard footsteps as someone opened the rooms door. "Well hello you little bitch" a familiar male voice said and I froze in my seat. I remember that voice as if yesterday was the last time I heard him speak. Fear took hold of me as he stepped closer and I started to shake in the seat. "No!, Alex! Alex!!" I screamed and struggled in the seat. "Sit still!" He shouted and slapped me across the face. His hand hurt a lot and I tasted blood on my lips.

"Please..." I started to cry and he laughed bitterly. "Please what? I haven't even started with you" he said and grabbed my hair, pulling it and making me scream in pain. Why does he hate me so much?. "Maxwell that's enough" a woman said and stood before me. She was Korean and beautiful though matured in age. "Do you know who I am?" She asked me and I shook my head no, still crying.

"I am Kim Yuna, Alexander's mother" she said and my Eyes widened with shock. So this is the woman of Alex nightmare?. "You are my grandma....why are you doing this to us? Why would you hurt your own son that way?" I asked her. I saw her blink on shock, she hadn't expect me to be this bold with her. "You have guts don't you? Can't you see your condition right now you brat" she hissed at me and signaled Maxwell to hurt me again.

Maxwell gave me another slap and looked happy doing so. "I'm not afraid of you" I said and she laughed out loud. She walked forward and bent down to meet me eye to eye. "You are a handful aren't you, you're dying today. I hope you know that" she said and took a strand of my hair in her fingers, twirling it. "I don't care what you do to me. Please, my Dad is a good man. He deserves to be loved" I said and she stood straight.

"Deal with her as you please" she said and walked towards the door. "I forgive you" I shouted as Maxwell hit me. "I forgive you for everything and I pray that you get to see God's love. I hope you leave my dad alone. He doesn't deserve all the pain he's going through" I said as Maxwell hit me again. She had stopped to listen to the things I was saying to her. "He didn't choose to be born to you so he doesn't deserve it. Think about it, it was your own selfish lust that put you in whatever position you find yourself, he shouldn't be punished for your crimes" I said gaining boldness, "beat her to death" she said and left the room.

I started to sob for real. Is this how I'll die without telling my love ones goodbye. "Say your last prayers princess. Tonight is the night" the man, Maxwell said cheerfully and started beating me hard. I cried in pain as he hit me in different places, drawing blood in some. not even caring about me being a minor. He kept hitting me till I blacked out.

I woke up again. I don't know how long it was before I woke up. But I was on a bed. It was soft and white. Like an hotel bed. "Storm" Alex voice said and I saw him sitting at the foot of the bed. "Alex" I smiled at him, "you're okay" I said but he didn't smile back, he looked sad, "Storm, get up" he said softly but I didn't answer. I turned and saw the window opened. I sat up, and leaned on my elbow, mesmerized by the view. There was a sea right outside. It looked more like a painting if not for the sounds the sea made.

I heard the door open and instantly I turned to look. My mouth dropped open as I saw a woman in white dress approaching me. She had the most beautiful face, her grey eyes looked calm and happy. Her lips were glossed and her hair was down, long and straight. She locked eyes with me and her lips curved up to smile. "Mama" I gasped and sat up properly. "Oh my baby, I hope you don't have any injuries today, I'll protect you so you won't have any injuries" she said softly and sat next to me.

I was too stunned to speak, I looked at her in awe. My mother. "I miss you so much, I was so worried about you" she said as she ran her hands all over my body the way she used to. Her touch felt light, like she was touching me but I couldn't feel her touch. I started to wonder. "I want you to stay with me" she said sweetly and I looked at Alex to see that we were drifting away from Alex. I was still on the bed and he was still at foot of the bed but there was a growing distance between us "But ..." I started to complain about the distance between us and Alex

"Stay with me" she repeated firmly and I looked into her eyes. They were red and glowing. "You're not my mother" I said and her face disappeared, she was suddenly looking like a monster, "Let me go!. Daddy" I screamed and stretched my hand for my father to save me. "You're coming with me" the monster said and kept holding me back from going away. "Jesus!" Alex shouted and everything turned black.

I woke up with a scream and my body shaking, I was on the floor in someone's arm. "Daddy! Daddy!" I cried struggling to get out of the person's arm. "She's awake!" The familiar voice said, it was Elijah. When I knew it was him, my body automatically relaxed. "Elijah" I started to sob. "it's okay, you're okay" he smoothed my hair. Careful to not touch the places I had injuries. "Where's Alex?" I asked him and she looked at the door. "He's... attending to the people that tried hurting you", on cue I heard a scream followed by the sound of a hit.

"No please take me to him" I said and Elijah carried me up, bridal style to where Alex was beating up the guys. Three of them were on the floor and he has already dealing with Maxwell Hunt. Maxwell was bleeding and staggering, he looked like the next hit would kill him. He was missing a couple of teeth and his nose looked broken but Alex wasn't stopping. "Alex! Please don't kill him" I shouted but he kept punching him. "Dad please! Stop" I cried out, he didn't answer me. So I made Elijah put me down and limped to hug him from behind. "Please Dad" I said and he stopped.

He turned to look at me. He broke down into tears, "don't hurt him anymore" I said and held him tight. Maxwell fell to the floor. "I will kill both of you, you irritating piece of junk of a son!....." A woman's voice said and I looked back to see my grandma, she was untouched but tied to the chair. She looked terrified but spoke like she was in power. I knew she wasn't planning on repenting anytime soon, the best thing to do is to let her face consequences, "I'm calling the cops if you won't let me deal with them my way" Alex said and I nodded. My legs gave out and I blacked out again.


Hi loveeeeees
It's already coming to an end💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽


CARDIA: The Mafia's Heart✓Where stories live. Discover now