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I ran to class late and my hair was still wet from the shower. "Stop right there" the teacher yelled and I froze. "Who do you think you are?" She sang. "Card-" I was about replying when she hit me with a toy hammer. "We only sing here, right class?" She turned to the others and they all sang "yes". The sound made me giggle and I went to sit next to Chelsea.

"Where's Emma?" I asked quietly. "She's in poetry instead of singing" Chelsea sighed and I giggled at how calm she was acting without Emma. "Well I'm glad I have you here now" she said and focused on the teacher. I scanned the room and my eyes landed on Elijah Woods. He was dressed in a red sweater and his hair was falling on his temple. His eyes were down as he doodled on the paper in front of him.

I kept staring till he looked up and I smiled at him. He returned my gesture by a frown and he looked down again. "I told you to leave Elijah alone" Chelsea whispered to me. "He's my friend" I whispered back and she shook her head. "Suddenly the shy girl has guts" she said. The class went on and when it was over, I went to my locker with Chelsea who wouldn't stop replying all my sentences with songs. "Emma!" She yelled and ran off to meet Emma who was behind us.

I was about locking the door of my locker to go join them when my body was slammed into the the locker. The impact made my glasses fall off to the floor. I bent down instantly to look for them when the person yanked me up. "My glasses..." I said, trying to stop myself from panicking because I couldn't see. "Give her the glasses" a female voice said and someone put on my glasses for me. I blinked twice as I found myself face to face with Dylan Woods.

She was also putting on red sweater and jeans like her twin brother. We are both smallish but she stood a bit taller than me. "I heard you said Elijah was handsome" she said and I frowned. "I didn't-" I started to talk, "you don't think he's handsome?" She asked and I shook my head, "of course he's handsome... I just didn't-" I said and she slammed me against the locker again.

I screamed as I felt pain explode in my back. "Why did you lie to me?" She asked and I was confused, "I didn't lie!" I cried out and she slam my back against the locker for the third time. "I don't know if it's your stupid face or your lame voice but I really really hate you" she said and I got scared, "why do I hate you so much?" She asked. "I only do what I have to do as a Christian" I replied and she laughed.

"Oh so she's a believer" she said loudly and everyone heard her and started to laugh. "let's see how long you can survive as a believer in this hell hole" she said and in seconds she brought out a lighter from her pocket, put it on and waved it in my face. "Now run" she hissed and automatically I obeyed. I turned on my heels and ran.

I spent the rest of my day hiding in the bathroom. After school, I went home alone and endured being mocked by the people that saw Dylan bullying me. When I got home, I couldn't find Juanita but she had left a note for me on the fridge that said;

'I went shopping darling, make sure you eat lunch. When I get back I'll make you some brownies'

I walked out of the kitchen still feeling heavy from Dylan's bullying. I needed comfort but no one was here for me. "Alex" I said and went up to stairs to his room, trying to push out the what if voices that kept asking me. 'what if he pushes you out...'. I went to his door and knocked. I stood there for a reply and when I didn't get any. I pushed the door open and saw him sleeping on the bed.

I climbed into the bed and snuggled up on him. Within seconds he turned and used his arm to hold my neck in a chokehold. "What do you think you are doing?" He growled at me. "How did you get in?" He asked after I didn't reply his first question. "I can break your throat if you choose not to respond" he said and I nodded. "I-I had a bad day can I please lay down here" I said softly and I saw his fierceness disappear. I laid back moved closer and imagined it was Mama I was cuddling with. I closed my eyes to stop the new wave of tears that threatened to fall.

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