Chapter 2

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Their third meeting was after the Redeye fiasco.

The rain was heavy and loud. The skies a dreary grey as gloom and humidity hung over the city like an embrace. The weather was cold, the traffic chaotic and the people rushing to get shelter; cover; home.

Unfortunately for the international bladers, due to the erratic and tramopeding weather it was difficult for most to return to their respective countries as multiple flights were delayed or even cancelled. This led to numerous hotel reservations and accommodations to be scheduled.

BC Sol, as a until, reserved a hotel floor for their members which was near the arena where the individual world championships was held, Free, offered the option to reside in the Raging Bulls building, promptly chose to stay with the former (much to Kris and other other members of BC Sol's relief). Valt had already seeked permission for Shu to stay with them, worried about his friend returning to the Raging Bulls where all this mess was rooted and Kris was more than willing to agree. However, after persistent insisting from Shu that he had other residences he was familiar with because of his time in America before he converted to the masked menace, Valt reluctantly gave in.

Shu had just prevailed from Valt's pleas and was leaving, walking down the corridor to the elevator. It was on the 14th floor, so hopefully the elevator was fast. Shu pressed the button and began waiting for the cubicle to reach this floor. The sign turned green with an automated 'ding.' Shu went in, then as the doors began to slowly close, he saw Free approaching the elevator, rounding the corner turn.

Shu deliberated whether he should hold the elevator open for the other blader or just make him wait or run. Ultimately, he decided to push the button causing the doors to remain open. The ex-world champion seemed as unperturbed as ever, not rushing or frantic to make it.

Free casually walked in without any signs of gratitude. Shu didn't mind, he didn't do it for that reason.

Shu clicked the one with a capitalised 'G' for ground level and then stepped back so that Free could select his level. Free just stared owlishly at the closing doors, his posture laid back and relaxed.

Shu noted Free's bandaged arm and absentmindedly gazed at it. Free's impersonal gaze cut to Shu's face as the latter suppressed an instinctive flinch from the abruptness.

"... What?" Shu inquired, after a moment of contemplation.

"Nothing, you looked at me first."

That was reasonable enough.

Shu heaved a sigh, then shifted his gaze elsewhere. He could feel Free's boring stare still aimed at him, but chose to ignore it.

The elevator was slow. Slower than usual. Slower than his lift up here.

Was it because Shu was uncomfortable? He couldn't be sure.

After all, Free was one of the last people Shu wanted to face right now. Alongside anyone who was involved in his Redeye problem. But, it was his fault; so he couldn't complain– not outwardly or internally. He simply didn't deserve it.

"Valt wants you to stay with us," Free said in his usual, apathetic tone.

"I know." It was curt as Shu's mood soured slightly. "I talked to him."


"I'll tell you if you tell me why you care," Shu proposed, the blader clearly had no interest in Shu outside of his power.

"If you stay, it'll affect me too."

Fair enough.

"Don't worry about that, I'm not staying."


"Again, why do you care?"


"None of your business."

"Neither was Redeye, but you made him everyone's business." Free countered with a sly smirk.

'This guy...' thought Shu, unpleasantly.

Didn't he know restraint? Consideration? Care?

Some lines should not be crossed.

"I did not- Redeye is only my friends and my business. To you he's another competitor, just like everyone else is."

One from the past.

It helped, kinda. Referring to him in third person.

Like he wasn't Shu.

Like Shu wasn't him.

That's what it felt like.

That's how he wished it was...

"I don't deserve it." Shu admitted, maybe because he needed to, maybe to fill up the quiet (not that it had ever bothered him before).

He couldn't be sure.

All he knew is that Free wouldn't care enough to share it with others. Or care about him enough to offer consolement.

After all, the last thing he wanted right now was comfort- not with the guilt gnawing at him; consuming him from within. He wanted to selfishly succumb in his own pity. But with every solace his friends threw, the more he became aware, painfully, that he didn't deserve their forgiveness. Their kindness.

Not after what he'd done.

"But if you feel bad, why deny Valt what he wants? Maybe you don't deserve it but he deserves to get what he wants." Free queried, generally puzzled- again, why were people so complex with such simple matters?

"Because he should get better."

"There's nothing better than getting what he wants."

Shu knew that Free's logic was impeccable- excluding the erratic, variable factors of human emotion and flaws. But, he couldn't persuade his mind- clouded with turmoil and insecurity in his own skin- to concur.

"Maybe he didn't deserve Redeye, but does he deserve Shu Kurenai?"

The direct segregation made Shu's eyes dilute- he hoped and wished they were different, but the undeniable, unshakable, irrevocable truth was evident; he was Redeye, Redeye is (or was?) a part of him. Somehow, hearing it from someone who doesn't care for him, made it appear more true.

The doors opened and Shu was startled. So absorbed in the conversation (or his own mind?) that he almost forgot his surroundings.

Shu stepped out as Free remained inside.

'Why?' Shu questioned himself, if Free wasn't going to the first floor then he could've pressed the button and left. But he stayed for that whole ride. Shu was unable to gauge Free's exact reasons, maybe he was too lazy to press the button or it was pure curiosity. But the perspective he offered, the one which was pristine, untainted from bias and hurt, shed some degree of relief within Shu. That he wasn't as much of a monster as he thought.

"Free," Shu breathed as Free turned his head from the button he was about to press.


"I don't know what you're talking about- I was just filling my curiosity and speaking my mind."

And with that he was gone- ascending to whichever floor he had originally planned to. Shu smiled, small but grateful.


Whilst, Free leaned against the smooth, chilled metal walls. He himself wasn't entirely certain why he had accompanied the blader to the last floor, but what he did know was that it wasn't all too bad.

Wasn't all that boring.

Maybe kinda fun.

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