Chapter 7

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Shu shifted restlessly in the cramped area, the pillow was too firm to cushion the hard edge of the armrest, the sheet too thin to warm him. He opened his eyes in defeat. Forgoing sleep altogether, he rose sluggishly. He swung his legs off the edge and leaned his head back.

The sound of the rainstorm was duller and less rampant, maybe he should make his way home... But no, it was never a good idea to travel alone in the dead of night in such weather conditions. He grabbed his phone from the coffee table ahead. The illuminated screen read '2:09,'

"You're awake." It wasn't a question.

Shu tensed, almost imperceivable, he hadn't expected the other to be conscious, much less to hear his voice.

"Yeah," Shu replied, his voice hushed.

Shu looked over his shoulder, the room was shrouded in darkness making him squint. Free's form was sprawled out on the right side of the mattress.

"Hmm," Free's voice had a notable edge- most likely he had woken up. "I can't sleep with all your rustling."

"Sorry," he meant it.

Shu lowered his face, his bangs curtaining his eyes.

"Sleep here," Free motioned.

"..." Shu could see the nuisance of him sleeping on the couch.

Free could see Shu's spirit wavering, he didn't understand why the guy was so stubborn in the first place.

"Okay," Shu submitted, his body rising slowly.

He strode over to the left side and from the proximity could see Free with clarity. He was on his side, facing the vacant area which Shu was going to occupy. His form was lethargic, contrasting his eyes, wide open. They bored into Shu, making him slightly uncomfortable.

'At least the bed is big,' Shu thought as a means of solace.

He eased onto the bed, turning so his back faced Free. The duvet was pulled to his shoulder, the weight and thickness much warmer, the mattress more spacious and plush. Even with the material comfort, he was painstakingly aware of Free's body beside his. The other's still, but present figure, the even rise and fall of his breaths, the dip of the mattress.

"You gonna stay for breakfast?" His voice sounded louder this close to him.

"I'd like to see Valt, but I'll leave soon." Shu responded, deliberating how the morning would play out. "Can't sleep?"

"Hmm," Free hummed.

"Have you ever slept with someone before?" Shu questioned.

"Can't sleep?" Free mimicked.

Shu furrows his brows, even when it's late, the guy can't restrain his mischief.

"Have you?" Free asked, and the questions for answers gave Shu déjà vu of their meeting on Raging Bull's rooftop.


"Figures, you were reluctant to join." Free deduces, omitting the fact it could be due to the lack of familiarity between them- he was sure Shu could think of it himself. "Neither have I."

"Is that why you're not sleeping right now?"


Gradually, in the quiet of the night, they both succumbed to the dominating call of rest.


Shu woke to the light filtering in the room from the semi-transparent curtains. He was on his back, he tilted his head to the right to see Free's lax form. Then thoughts of where he was and yesterday flooded into his mind. He got up from the bed, making minimal disturbance since the other blader was still there.

Shu swiftly manoeuvred to the rack his clothes from the previous day were drying and gathered them. He went to the toilet to wash up and dress.

When the door clicked signalling Shu was in, Free's eyes parted slightly, eyeing the door. Then, he nonchalantly shifted to bury his face into the warm pillows, muffling a yawn.


Whilst clothing himself, Shu was contemplating returning before meeting up with Valt. Sure, he'd love to catch up, but with the way things unfolded, he wanted to unravel peacefully. Also, explaining why he roomed with Free for a night wasn't the most appealing, especially since he didn't think Free would help.

With his mind settled, he hastened his pace.


After Shu had left the room, Free accumulated the will to rise up. He noted how the duvet on Shu's side was straightened, his night attire folded neatly at the foot of his bed, with the towel he lent him.

As courteous as always.

He yawned openly, stretching his arms above his head.

Guess he should prepare for the day.


Shu allowed his body to collapse on his own plush couch. A cream towel snuggly atop his shoulders, catching the droplets of hair running down his hair.

After returning, he immediately took a hot shower- for hygiene and to clear his own muddled mind.

His head rested on the back of the couch and his eyes glanced at the right, where the analog clock hung, to check the time.

10:27 AM

Early, considering the time spent at Free's and the walk back.

Shu closed his eyes, exhausted.

It had been a long day and his own residence wasn't near BC Sol's quarters. Roughly, a twenty minute jog. Thankfully Shu was fast, unfortunately it was difficult to run on the slippery streets, puddles forming on every second step.

Well, he had no time to waste. Grabbing his joggers, he left his residence for some training

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