~•Cat by C418 (F & A)•~

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(Clingy duo!) (Dream SMP AU!) (Imaginary friend AU)
(Tommy meets someone he thought he'd never see again.)
(There is a lot of lore in this. Be warned.) (TW: death)
(I also used Tubbo's irl name cause Tommy used it a lot in the recent lore streams)

Requested by: Wonderful_RoseBB

Third Person POV:

A bright surge of glowing light filled Tommy's eyes. It burned. He hissed, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. Tommy looked at the scenery in front of him.

He overlooked a gorgeous sun set, sitting on top of a cliff. Tommy could smell the sweet scent of wheat coming from his tiny home grow garden. He sat on a worn-in wooden bench. The sound of music filled his ears. 
Cat. His and Tubbo's favourite disc.

Didn't they destroy that disc trying to escape from Dream and Punz?

Memories flooded back to Tommy. 
He was dead. Dream killed him in the prison.
But... it all didn't make sense. 
His limbo was a pitch-black void. His limbo was made to make him go mad. To torture him forever. So, why on earth was he in the place that made him feel the most safe?

"Hey, Tommy?"

Tommy turned to lock eyes with a boy. A boy not much older than him. His brown horns curls in a crude looking way, the flowers decorating it making them look delicate. His short brown ears poked through his strains of long bushy brown hair that covered his eyes. His pale skin contrasted with the harsh, almost red, scar on the side of his face. He put his hands into his jacket pockets, smiling at Tommy. His smile was comforting and warm. His eyes were kind and welcoming. His Tubbo.

"You okay, mate? You look like you've been crying for weeks... or have you been drinking those strength potions again?" Tubbo huffed. "I told you to stop. It's not healthy."

Tommy laughed. "No, Toby. I-I just... can't believe I'm seeing you again."
It was Tubbo's turn laugh. "Tommy, I just saw you yesterday, remember? We had tea and talked about the L'manburg days. I only left to go check on Michael."

"We... did?"
"Yes! We did. Oh XD, don't tell me you're losing your memory too. Ranboo was already too much to deal with."
"I... no of course not! I just thought we, y'know, made up this whole plan about you launching your nuke while I was in the prison with Dream..." Tommy looked over the cliff, not wanting Tubbo see him shed a few tears. "I was supposed to die. While you raised Michael. Dream and Punz were supposed to die-"

"My-my nuke? And Punz? Why would Punz die?"
Tommy looked at Tubbo in confusion. 
"Punz is working for Dream. That's why."

"What? Tommy, did you fall asleep on the bench? Cuz I really think you had a dream." Tubbo joined Tommy on the bench. "And... have you forgotten, Tom? Dream's dead. We killed him. Together. In the prison."

"But... Punz revived him..."
"Punz didn't revive anyone, Tommy."

And at that, Tommy sighed. 
Was it really all just a dream?

"So, the server... it's been quiet?"
Tubbo hummed. "Quiet as a mouse. No more revive book. No more chaos. Just peace." Tubbo turned to Tommy. "So... about our plan." Tubbo grinned. "It's still on?"

Tommy chuckled. "Of course, Toby! Our country..."
"That we're building on the moon! All hail L'Moonburg!"
"I- uh, I dunno about that, Tubs."

They both laughed. Tommy had missed this. Them just talking about everything and nothing at all. Their jokes. Their conversations...

"This all seems so unreal." Tommy watched as the red and orange in the sky mixed with the dark blues and purples.
"I know what you mean, Tommy. It's so odd. Having Dream out of the way. We have nothing to worry about."
Tommy laughed, playfully nudging Tubbo. "You sure this isn't a dream, Tubbo?"

When Tommy didn't receive an answer, he turned back to Tubbo. It looked hurt and confused. Then, angry. 

"Woah, Tubs, did I say something?-"

It came from Tubbo's mouth but it sounded... different. 

Tommy screamed and jumped off of the bench.
"Tommy, wake up."
Tubbo closed in on him, forcing him to the edge of the cliff.

"No, no, no wait-" Tommy's eyes glazed over. Tubbo pulled out a netherite sword.

Tommy knew he only had two choices. He couldn't fight back. He didn't have a sword and... it was his best friend. It was either let Tubbo stab him or...

Tommy look over the precipice. Dream did it once more. He had managed to push Tommy over the edge.
Tommy took a deep breath.
And took the leap of faith.

"Tommy!" Tubbo's voice echoed.
Tommy immediately regretted his choice as he watched Tubbo glitch out of existence. His imagination loved to play with him. 
Of course, Tubbo was fake...

 It was dark. 

Tommy could feel his insides run cold.
He was in limbo once more. His real limbo. Not the fake one. Not the prettied up one with the happy Tubbo and the gorgeous sunset. 
Not one once of light bounced around the void of space he stood in. It felt as if his eyes were closed. Shut tight, glued down. Tommy finally pried them open, staring into the crazed eyes of his enemy.

"See how easily I could kill you and bring you back? Do you see my power?" Punz laughed at Dream's comment. "Do you finally see that you're speaking to a god?"


Dream's grin was wide. "How was limbo, Tommy?"

. . .

Words: 883

A/N: Hope you enjoyed!

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