Chapter Fifteen: Part of That World

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Song of The Chapter: Cardigan - Taylor Swift


Gina's POV

5:47 AM.. Salt Lake, In The New House..

It's been a few weeks since my trip to Louisiana, since then me and Jack have become closer. Most of our conversations consist of me giving him advice. Him and his girlfriend are so far away now, and he's really nervous that they won't prevail. I don't mind giving him guidance, since he's been giving me some on my relationship.

The sky is slowly becoming brighter, as the day enhanced and the rain pattered on my windowsill. It's been raining all week, I love it. I've started my "Gilmore Girls" rewatch, which is causing me to romanticize school.

I could hardly find a comfortable enough spot in bed last night, I only slept for a few hours. I'm mostly running on adrenaline. My heart is beating out of my chest, with excitement and nervousness. It feels nostalgic in a way, which is weird because I've never been this excited for the first day of school.

It makes no sense, I have this giant bed. With all of these blankets, yet I couldn't get a clear enough head to actually fall asleep long. At least the hours I did get some sleep, it was in EJ's duke sweatshirt. It was originally a hoodie, but i cut the hood off. I wear it more than he does, yet it still smells like his cologne. It's kind of big on me. What can I say, EJ Caswell is a tall boy.

Speaking of EJ, we've been having great conversations about the future of our relationship. Unlike Jack and his girlfriend, Aaliyah. EJ and I are actually going to be close in range this school year. He decided to take his dad up on the Duke online classes offer, with a little convincing from my mom. She told him that even though he may not have earned it; opportunities like this don't pop up everyday. I think that was the extra push that he needed to make his decision.

Now, he can figure out what he wants to do in more detail from the comfort of his hometown. However, I'm still a little worried that we won't have that much time to see each other, since EJ will be doing schoolwork and I'll be caught up in rehearsals for whatever the musical is. Miss Jenn still hasn't told us, that woman knows how to hold her tongue.

I would love to play a lead, but most leads have love interests, it just wouldn't feel right without him. Every time that I've had a role with a love interest, it was always EJ. First, Taylor and Chad, and then Anna and Kristoff. I just couldn't picture me performing alongside anyone else. It's going to be a weird adjustment, even the lack of his presence in the rehearsal room.

I think another part of it is how much I struggled last year, not with grades; with socializing. I was mean, then I was nice, then I was too nice. I had a crush on Ricky, was turned down, stopped crushing on him, focused on myself, began crushing on EJ. All in my sophomore year. Let's hope that this year isn't that complicated.

My Mom Knocks On My Door..

"Come in." I said to her, while wiping the exhaustion off of my face.

"You're up earlier than usual." My mom said, while handing me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"Cute mug." She said, softly smiling.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why, but I couldn't really sleep. I just stayed up watching Netflix." I explained, letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh, and the mug is from the East High morning show. Ej and I run- Well, used to run them. Now I'm by myself." I said, as my smile dropped.

"Cute. Do you think you'll be okay?" She asked.

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