Chapter Sixteen: Kiss The Girl

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Before The Chapter Begins..

New Year, New Cover! Let me know what you think about it!

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New Year, New Cover!
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Now Onto The Chapter..


Jet's POV
1:24 PM.. At Home..

Salt Lake is weird. That's coming from me, the guy who gets called weird on the daily. I haven't really gotten the time to bond with a lot of people here. I'm closest to Ricky, Carlos, and Kourtney. Maddox and I are closer now, closer than we've ever been in the past.

I've always been her annoying little brother. Now that I'm older, we've kinda become each other's biggest supporters. I've also found myself supporting Kourtney a little too much recently.

I can't help that I have a crush on her. I don't even think it would go anywhere because I'm not even allowed to date. I don't want to ruin the friendship that I've built with her. Luckily, it's the weekend so I can avoid her. At least for a few days. When Monday comes, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.

Homecoming is in a few days. I want to ask her to the dance, but I bet she already has a date.

The Phone Began to Ring..

It's Carlos. He rarely calls me, but when he does it's usually about Seb or the drama club.

"Hi." I said to him, as I answered the FaceTime.

"Hey, so you know how Mr. Mazzara has been in the theatre more often recently?" Carlos asked me.

"Wow. So... No 'How're you, Jet?' You just called to ask me about a teacher?" I asked him.

"Okay, fine. How are you, Jet? Now can we get back to the very very important topic at hand?" Carlos asked me, sarcastically.

"Alright. What's so important about him?" I asked, Carlos.

"I think he has feelings for Ms. Jenn. And you're gonna help me prove it." He said to me.

"One, who cares? Two, why me? Three, how would I even prove it?" I asked him.

"I care. You have to be the one to do it because they'll know if I'm up to something, you just got here so they don't know you too well." Carlos explained to me.

"You still aren't telling me how." I said to him.

"Just ask him about her. If he says something boring I'll let it go. If he says something weirdly charming then I'll work my magic." Carlos said.

"Your magic?" I asked him.

"Don't question me." He said, sternly.

"Okay. Fine. But you have to do something for me too." I told him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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