Chapter 5: Fights

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On the morning of day four, Eric gleefully tells the transfer initiates that they will begin actual fights. He divides the class into two groups. The first, a group of five that includes Will, Al, Christina, Molly, and Tris, are to stay in the training room with Eric to fight. The others are sent to the gun range with Four. After lunch the two groups will switch so the fighters who don't end up in the infirmary get a chance to practice shooting.

When Four and his initiates leave, Eric leads his five through a series of stretches and a short warmup run. Tris is pleased to realize that the running is getting easier for her, but most of her emotions revolve around anxiety about the fights. 

She's far smaller than the people she's left with. She was hoping to get Myra for her first fight as that would be her best chance for victory, but the other girl was put in Four's group. Christina is the smallest person in her group, but Tris really doesn't want to fight her friend. Will and Al are her friends too, and they're also much bigger than Tris. Molly, too, is much larger, a solid tank of a girl who would be hard to take down. 

With an odd number in their group, the worst option of all is that Tris might have to fight Eric himself. The ruthless young leader would probably love to show off by crushing an initiate. Tris can only hope that beating on a small girl like herself wouldn't be enough of a challenge to tempt his ego.

"Will and Al," Eric calls when they finish their mile, "in the ring!"

The two boys step into the fighting ring and face one another.

"Go!" Eric prompts impatiently.

"What… what do we do?" Al asks.

"You fight!" Eric snaps.

"Until when?" Will asks. "Is there a timer or something?"

Eric's face is growing red, and Tris regards him nervously.

"Dauntless never give up!" he hollers. "You fight until one of you can't fight anymore! Now stop gossiping and start fighting!"

The boys comply. Tentatively at first, then with increasing intensity, Will and Al exchange blows. Al is bigger, and packs a harder punch. But Will is faster, and dodges more easily. He wears Al down with body blows, but one lucky hard blow that lands on Will's temple knocks him out cold.

Eric instructs Al to help him drag his unconscious victim off the mat, then administers smelling salts. When Will wakes up, Eric looks into his eyes with a little light and declares that the smaller boy will be fine.

Christina is obviously shaken, upset by her soulmate's beating, but Eric gives her no sympathy. "Christina and Molly," he barks, "in the ring."

Like Will and Al, the two girls start out by circling one another, sizing each other up and looking for weaknesses. Christina kicks Molly in the stomach, and the stocky girl makes an "oof" sound. But the blow only seems to enrage her, and Molly comes at Christina with a vengeance.

Molly lands several hard blows, including one that probably broke Christina's nose. Laying on the floor, Christina squeaks out the words, "I… I can't. I quit."

"You give up?" Eric asks. "Had enough?"

Christina nods, and Tris covers her face. Not good, she thinks. We can't quit. He's going to make her factionless.

"Come with me," Eric commands, offering a hand to help Christina off the floor. "All of you, come with me."

The young leader keeps a hand on Christina's back, guiding her through the halls as the others follow. When they get to the bridge over the Chasm, Eric grabs Christina and hauls her over the rickety-looking rail, making the former Candor scream in terror.

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