Chapter 17: Dancing With A Stranger

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Grabbing my hand, Noah starts to lead me off.

Usher’s “Crash” starts to pump through the speakers as we walk to the dance floor. I watch as we pass by the sea of people, how they look at him…like he’s a glowing light and they are the moths drawn to him. Noah’s presence just demands attention. He can't go unnoticed.

The confidence in the way he walks, in his eyes, his aura is so authoritative, making every other girl here look at me with so much envy. His sexiness is as natural as breathing, and his ignorance to it is a major turn on.

Noah stops us in the middle of the dance floor and turns to face me. A small smirk playing on his lips.
I feel awkward. I’m not really sure what to do, where to put my hands. I've never danced with a man I'm into before. Only with Dad and Olivier. And that was nothing like what were about to do now.

I rest my wrists awkwardly over his
shoulders, he's so much taller than me. Noah chuckles, then, he
takes my hands. Lifting one, he places it on his shoulder. Keeping hold of the other, he wraps his fingers around it. Then, sliding his free hand around my waist, his fingers press gently into my back, pulling me closer. I’m trying not to tense, but his nearness and touch are driving me insane.

My entire body feels like I'm on fire. I have no way of stopping it. I'm burning from the inside. 

"Relax," he says low into my ear.

That doesn't help, it only sets off more shivers in me, heading southward.

Oh crap.

"You've never danced with a man before, have you?"

"Um…"I bite my lip. "Of course I have."

Just not with a man like you, a man who can turn me on with a single look…a single touch. A man who drives me half mad.

He raises a brow. "You have?"

"Yeah,  I've danced with my Dad several times before and with Olly. So it definitely counts as dancing with men." Why won't I stop talking? Kill me now! "I've just never danced with someone who--"

The words die on my tongue when our eyes lock. He's looking at me with such intensity that it's making me more nervous. Noah's eyes are dark, grey, but also somehow black, they almost look like a deep pit which you might end up falling in.

I feel his hand tighten around my waist, pulling me closer, so close that our noses are almost touching. His masculine scent invades my nostrils, and it drives me nuts. It's such a sexy smell.

I watch as his mouth forms the words hanging in my mind, "someone you're attracted to."

My lips part on a breath, shocked. Heat engulfs my face, so I turn away, embarrassed.

Is it that obvious? That I'm into him?

From a distance, I notice Scarlett not so discreetly throwing daggers our direction--my direction to be specific. Clearly she's as jealous as every other girl.

"Your girlfriend is looking at us," I clear my throat, "maybe we should--"

"Just keep dancing?" He lifts a brow, coming off as a command than a question.

Wow, he didn't even deny her. She is his girlfriend. But why is he here, dancing with me?

"I don't know how to dance anyway."

He leans in, so his lips are next to my ear, grazing it, as he speaks, "you seem pretty good for a rookie."

My skin erupts with goosebumps

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