Important announcement (probably)

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I now have episode banners now. Why now? because I want them, and a friend of mine was going to make them for me. But they got too busy, so I decided. On October 9th, 2022, that I was going to make my own banner. It was a massive pain to make Crystal's cutie mark, but I did it. I used my brain cells to get creative and made it work.

let me know how you like the banner, maybe I could make some improvements.

Also we are heading into the season finale, grab your popcorn or any snack, and enjoy for what I have in store. Finally after the two part finale, there will be a bonus episode for December. That's right for a Christmas present, I'm giving you a special episode. For this one time only I will tell you a head of time what it's about. It's about the three important days for Dark cloud that was mentioned in episode 4. He's the protagonist for this bonus episode, and I'm so excited to show you how cloud fell in love with our favorite yellow earth pony dork. Yes, it will jump from one holiday to another. but it's my story, *demonic voice* I make him do whatever I want. *Normal voice* if you don't want to read it's up to you. I ain't forcing you to read something that doesn't move the plot. I'm just making it for fun, after all that's why I made heart family in the first place.

So I hope you like the banners, and the announcement of the bonus episode.

Stay safe, don't be an ass, and i hope you have a good day. Happy 12th birthday Friendship is magic.

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