S2 Ep2 The beauty of glorious love

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Diamond's Pov

Diamond was snuggling on her mother's lap on a picnic bench while the others talk with Silver Love. "What happened after you confronted Earth heart 5 years ago?" Thunder asks sitting across from his mother. Silver love took a moment before speaking. "It's been 5 years? Holy stars it's been that long. *deep breath* I honestly don't remember what happened. All i remember is waking up in Canterlot and feeling scared. So, I went on the train till I got to Manehatten." Crystal, sitting next to her asks, "Why did you come to Manehatten?" She looked as though she was going through a ton of emotions right now. She looked at her son and said, "*soothingly* I grew up here. It's where I was born." She said soothingly. Diamond snuggled into Silver's chest, making everyone collectively say "Awwwwwww". Silver grabs Diamond's chin to look her in the eyes. "You look just as adorable as you did 5 years ago." Silver cooed. Diamond giggled and blushed. she turns her head to hide her blush and hides in her mother's arms. Silver looked at the sky and gently poked diamond's face. "Umm, sweety. we need to get going. So can you please get off of me please." Diamond held her mom's arms. "Noooo, I don't want to lose you again." she fussed. Silver then looked down the path and smiled. Everyone looked where she was looking. A golden yellow unicorn with a cyan mane, with a harmonica and sparkles cutie mark walked towards them.

"Hey there care bear." Silver said flirtatiously. The unicorn responded with, "Hey my little angel." the others looked back and forth at them till Thunder said something. "Who's this?" he asked his mother. Silver love clears her throat and introduces the unicorn. "*clears throat* everypony, this is Glorious Harmonica. My girlfriend." Everyone looked shocked except Snow."Knew it!" She yelled.

Everyone jolted their head at Snow. Silver then blushed bright red. "I'm not going to ask how you know." Crystal deadpanned at Snow. Harmonica walked up to Silver and kissed her on the cheek. "Come on sweetie. We should get back home so we can make breakfast." She said sweetly. Silver got close to Harmonica's ear and whispered, "can we make some for my family please?" The gold unicorn looks at the others and nodded. "Of course. I'm always happy to help the friends and family of my girlfriend." She said joyfully. The others smiled and followed her.

10 minutes later

They were traveling via tram car. Diamond never left her mother's side as she held her mother's hoof and never let go. "How did you two meet?" Crystal asked his mother. Silver looked at her girlfriend and smirked.

"*giggles* I met her after I came here. I found my parent's apartment complex in ruins, and I had no place to stay. Harmonica found me on the steps in tears. She said the building was a memorial site for her brother and the ponies that lived there now. but it had been abandoned for some reason... but nopony would give me an answer. It's almost like no one wanted to talk about it." She said, stroking Diamond's mane. "Maybe ponies are scared to talk about it." Cloud pipes up, sounding a little scared. Everyone looks at him. Crystal raised an eyebrow. "Do you know something about this?" He asks. Cloud looked Crystal in the eye worried. "I've only heard stories but. I heard that a group called The Haralds of the Tantabus caused the fire. When ponies saw the fire, they saw a message in the fire. It said, "This is what happens when you betray us", when I first heard it...... I was terrified. I was only 4 at the time, so didn't know what they meant at the time." Crystal placed his hoof on Cloud's shoulder and gave a "You, okay?" look. Cloud nodded and then the tram started to slow down. Sky began to shake a little but was unnoticed by everyone, but Diamond, but she paid no attention to it. The tram came to a stop and a voice yelled out, "CLOUD!!". They turn around and saw a young Pegasus filly run up and hug Cloud. (The filly has a turquoise coat with a Light blue mane, With a waterspout for a cutie mark.)

"Hey there Whirlpool. happy to see you." Cloud says through the hug. Crystal chuckles at Cloud's predicament. "Who's this little filly?" Crystal asked. Cloud hugged back and broke it just as quickly. "Alright Whirlpool, let's give him space." A voice said, getting on the tram. A Pegasus with a Turquoise coat, a lavender beehive mane, and a swirling snowflake for a cutie mark. "Hey mom." Cloud mumbled in annoyance. Whirlpool got off of Cloud and sat down next to his mother. Crystal helped Cloud up and sat next to him. "This is my mother, Swirling Snowflake and my little sister Aerial Whirlpool." He says his mother's name with some slight discomfort. His sister smiles. "My big brother is the best big brother in equestria!" She yells. Diamond gave a competitive look. "She did not just say that!". "No!" She says in denial. "My brothers are the best!" The young fillies glared at each other with the sparks of rivalry.

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