S2 Ep4 The serpentine guard

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Crystal's pov

11 years ago

Crystal and Thunder were at Joe's donut shop down the street from their apartment in canterlot. They sat at a table waiting for their donuts they got by saving up some bits. They both ordered a cinnamon donut and waited patiently for them. The donuts came and they both ate. Crystal stopped eating and wanted to ask his brother a question. "*Quiet*Hey Thunder?" Crystal asked. "Hmmm" Thunder replied. Crystal took a few moments to find his words before he spoke. "What's it like *whispered* to have soul magic?" Thunder swallowed the donut in his mouth and thought about what to say. He smiles a little and says, "It feels amazing sometimes...... but most of the time, it's terrifying......"

"What's terrifying four eyes?" A voice called out from the entrance to the place. The twins looked over to see their personal bullies. Emerald Aura, Crimson Spirit, and Golden Flash. Flash was a Pegasus with a pure white coat and a very short blonde mane. He always wore his curving sunglasses that made it look like anytime he smiled, he had an evil smile. "Uhhhhh nnnnn-nothing Flash." Thunder stuttered. Crystal went back to eating his donut to not give Flash any attention. "Thanks wimp." Flash said, grabbing Crystal's donut. "Hey!" Flash took a bite and looked disgusted. "*spits out donut* bleh gross, no wonder nopony wants to talk to you." He says, giving the donut back. "Maybe you should get better taste in donuts so you can get a better taste in girls... and maybe you should try to get a cutie mark. Then maybe you could get a girlfriend." Crystal almost jumped at the blonde Pegasus and tackled him to the ground, but Thunder stopped him before he could do so. "What's wrong Crystal, no strength to push a unicorn back? Oh wait... you don't have earth pony strength, so it means you're next to useless compared to every other pony." Flash said with a shit eating grin. Crystal grinded his teeth to stop himself from starting a fight. He was on the verge of violence. Thunder noticing attempted to call them off. "Hey back off! Nopony bullies my brother!"

"Oh shut up Thunder. We all know you're too chicken to face us." Flash said with the other two giggling. Thunder lowered his head because he knew Flash was right. "Oh, and before we leave... we have a little present for Crystal." Crimson said, bringing out something that's under a big piece of fabric. He rips off the fabric to reveal a normal looking pigeon. Thunder raised an eyebrow before looking over to his brother, who was freaking out.

Crystal was shaking with his eyes bulging. "No no no! Why does it have to be a bird?! How does he know that I'm terrified of those things?" Golden flash had a smirk on his face. He opened the cage and unleashed the calm pigeon. The pigeon walked over to where the brothers were. Crystal was backing up into the window to put himself as much room as possible between him and the bird. He threw the donut at the pigeon to distract it. It started to peck at the cinnamon donut. It stopped and put its attention to Crystal hiding behind Thunder. The pigeon walked calmly to the colts, its soulless eyes piercing Crystal's soul. "Gaaahh, stay away from me!" erupted into panic. The trio was bursting into laughter at Crystal's predicament. Thunder used his magic to catch the bird and lifted it back to its cage. He shut the door and put the cloth back on and scowled at the older ponies. "It's not funny! Laughing at someone's fear is not funny!" (It kinda is Thunder) Thunder hugs his brother to comfort him. Emarald stopped laughing to say, " But It is." (See, she gets it) "It's kinda funny that an earth pony, who are known for their strength and fearlessness. but little Crystal is scared of a tiny little bird and can't lift up another pony to save his life, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Crimson then throws his own comment, "yeah ahahahaha you really are the weakest pony in equestria ahahahahahha!" Crystal began to cry as his emotions started to overwhelm him. He runs out, tears flying from his face.

Present day

Crystal was still sitting at the bar waiting for his answer from Crimson. The Pegasus stallion smirk at Crystal and said, "you telling me you haven't heard of the Ponies I work for?" Crystal shook his head while keeping eye contact. "Hmm, good." Crimson put down his glass. He then walked to the door and grabbed a fur scarf off a rack. "Come along little Crystal, my boss would like to see ♪yooouuuu♪." Crimson said in a sing-song tone. Crystal hesitated, expecting a trick. Crimson looked him and said, "I promise it isn't a trick, cross my heart and have a storm strike me down." Crystal got irritated, cause that was his family's promise jingle. "*bumps Crimson a little bit* Only me and my family can use that promise." Crimson just smirks. "Okay big pony. *Slaps Crystal's ass* Now get moving."

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