S2 Ep6 on that night... everything changed

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Warning: a little bit of homophobia and ableism is in this episode.

Black Heart's Pov

7 years ago

Black Heart was sitting in front of a unicorn doctor with a 3 1/2-year-old Diamond sitting nearby staring at the whale decorations hanging on the window. She was rocking side to side, not paying attention to the adults talking. "You said she hasn't talked yet, is that correct?" the doctor said, holding a piece of paper. "Yes." Blackheart answers. "And how old was she again?"


"Has she said any words like mom or dad?"

Black Heart shakes his head and bites his lip.

The doctor places the paper down and slightly nods. "Well with all that I've seen from her and gathered from my colleagues... I believe your daughter has Autism, Mr. Black Heart."


"She appears to be in the higher support range."

"What does that mean?" Black Heart asks, not knowing the subject.

"It means she'll need more help than other Fillies. But that is just a basic understanding, so I suggest researching it more. Cause it can be a complicated subject."

Black Heart looked at his daughter with worried eyes. "Okay."

"It's okay to be scared. It just means you'll have to give her more support."

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm more worried about what others will think. there are more unicorn purists lately."

"*Sigh* Yeah, I get it. Those types of Ponies have been cropping up more lately ever since Twilight had begun construction on that new town for all creatures to share a home as an experiment to see if all the species Co-exist in one place." (Side note. If it wasn't obvious enough, I will be using my head cannons.)

The two Stallions were distracted by Diamond playing with a toy pirate ship. They smiled before they were expecting, "Yar har me maties." Black Heart's jaw dropped. His face then became a smile. "She spoke... She spoke." He couldn't be any happier. The doctor then wrote something down on paper and handed it to the excited unicorn stallion. "Here. She's an expert on creatures with autism and even gave a diagnosis to Twilight after years of being undiagnosed. So she can help you with preparing Diamond for the trials ahead." Black Heart grabs it. "Thank you," he says.

Black Heart says his goodbyes and takes Diamond home. He got her chocolate bar on the way. She ate tiny bites as she looked all around her. "You like it?" Blackheart asks. Diamond says nothing but takes another bite. "I guess so."

"I promise you; I will protect you just like if we were blood related. If anything would happen to you... I will not hesitate to protect you. I love you, Diamond." He says. "I love you," she says back. Blackheart sheds a single tear and smiles.


They return home and Black Heart lets Diamond play in the living room. He watched as Diamond stacked blocks in a pyramid.

"Hey, sweety," Silver said, coming in from behind. "Hey." Silver kisses his cheek. "So, how'd it go?" she asks. "The doctor said that she has autism." Silver's face relaxed and smiled. "That's a relief."

"Blackheart." A voice said down the tiny hallway. Black Heart and silver love looked down the hallway and saw Earth Heart. Earth heart is a unicorn with an earthen brown coat, a shiny silver braided low bun mane, a crescent moon necklace, black glasses, and surprisingly a little younger than her age would suggest. "*Whispers in black heart's ear* I need to speak with you?" Black Heart nodded and followed her outside to an alley. "What do you need to speak to me about?" Blackheart asks. Earth Heart looks around before whispering, "I think that our theory about generational power increase is true."

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