Season one Bonus episode: Trick, gifts, and love

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Nightmare Night
4 3/4 years ago
Cloud's Pov

It was Cloud's favorite time of the year, Nightmare night. The time where he could look as weird as possible and not look out of place. And he was going to spend it with his best friend Crystal Heart.

"Wait. What are you supposed to be?" Crystal says looking at cloud's costume. "I'm a one-eyed one-horned flying purple pony eater." Cloud says showing off his costume. His costume had a single eye and horn on his forehead, sunglasses to cover his eyes, his coat and wings were painted purple, large ears, and fake monster teeth. Crystal has a "you serious" look on his face. "Okay then. Just let me and thunder put on our costumes, and then we'll leave."

"Okay." Cloud said as he walked out of the brother's room. He walks to the dining room and sees a plate of cookies on the table. They had orange and purple frosting with opposite-colored sprinkles. Cloud licked his lips, loving cookies more than candy. He slowly reaches out to grab one, but it floats away. He turns around to see Crystal's sister Diamond Shimmer. "No touching. They're not for you. Only famiwy and frwends can touch them." The five-year-old said like she's trying to be stern but is being adorable. "Awwww, Crystal never said he had such a cute sister." Cloud says reaching out. He rubs her head, and she waves her arms to swat him away.

"He can have one Diamond." Crystal said leaning on the doorframe. Cloud looked him and blushed. The earth pony was wearing a purple magician's hat and cloak with stars all over. "I uh umm... you look nice." Cloud blurted out. Thank the almighty Celestia that no one can see Cloud blush under his face paint. Thunder walked around the corner with his costume. He was a dressed up as King Sombra. But Cloud was still looking at Crystal. "Why does Crystal look so hot right now?" He thinks as Diamond waves a cookie in his face. He breaks from his hypnotized state and grabs the cookie. "Thanks." He says looking away with embarrassment. He bites into the soft cookie and gets hit with the taste of divine flavor. "Mmmmmmm... it's so good. I've never tasted a cookie this good before. It's so soft, the pumpkin frosting is sooo good, and the sprinkles just explode with flavor!" As he was thinking with his free hoof on his cheek, Thunder walked over to his little sister. "Alright Diamond, time to get you into costume little missy." He says in a lower tone. They walk to the stairway, leaving Crystal and Cloud alone. Cloud was still savoring the taste, savoring it as long as possible. Crystal looked over to his friend and smirks. "You want to know who made them, don't ya?"

Cloud nodded, smiling like a total dork. "It was made by my sister... Diamond Shimmer."

"*chokes on cookie** cough* wait what! You mean your little sister made these?" He asked, crimes falling on the floor. Crystal nodded. "Is cooking her special talent or something? Cloud said recovering from choking. "You okay?" Crystal asked moving closer to the young Pegasus. Cloud nodded, taking a deep breath in the process. He looked down to see a dragon cleaning up the crumbs with a tiny broom and duster. "Hi." He said towards the little dragon. She didn't respond, she just cleaned and walked away. Cloud was confused by the dragon not returning his friendly greeting. "Don't mind her, she's just very shy around new ponies." Cloud made an "oh" face.

Thunder came around the corner with Sky and Diamond in their costumes. Sky was a detective with a bubble pipe. And Diamond is a red dragon. "Alright. Is everypony ready?" Thunder asked, looking at everyone. They all nodded. "Then let's go and nab some candy!" He yelled excitedly. Everyone cheered in elation. They all followed Thunder through the front door craving some candy.

They went from door to door collecting candy in bags. All types of candy were obtained. Like peanut butter cups, caramel bars, star bits and many more.

3 hours later

They've stopped at the park to see their goods.

"Wooooo boy! That is a lot of candy." Crystal whooped.

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