S1 Ep8 Scaling Conflict part two

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Crystal's Pov

Crystal stands in front of Cloud's house holding the poster in his hooves. He raises his arm to knock on the door but hesitates. "Should I really bother him right now?! No, I shouldn't... hmmm but I really want to go with him! But what if his parents find out?! Wait what am I thinking, Cloud's a stallion he should be able to go." He thinks while pacing in front of Cloud's front door. He takes a deep breath and stops to knock "it's okay Crystal. If he says no. It's not a total loss... right?" He thinks to himself.

*Knock knock*

"Coming!" Cloud yelled. The door opens and Cloud sees Crystal. "Hey Crystal." Cloud says smiling, he then notices that something is bothering Crystal. "What's wrong... did something happen?" He asks worried for his boyfriend's safety. Crystal shows him the poster and asks "you want to go? I can totally understand not wanting to but, I thought I could just ask." Clouds looks at the poster and contemplates. The air becomes a little awkward with the silence. He gives back the poster sweating a little. Crystal looks at the ground waiting for his answer. Cloud takes a deep breath and gives his answer "alright... I'll go." Crystal jerked his head up with a shocked expression on his face. "What?" He breathed. Cloud playfully rolled his eyes and responded with "I said I'll go. My parents live in Manehatten anyway, so if there's any time to tell them... it's then. When does it start?" Crystal looks at the poster to see when it starts "A week from now at 3:00 pm." Cloud looks relieved. "*relived sigh* That's good... it gives me time to mentally prepare myself, to tell my parents." He lets crystal in and makes his way to the fridge. "You want some cider? I just got some yesterday." Cloud asks getting into the fridge. Crystal sat down at the table and responded "yeah sure. Umm... why?" Cloud grabs a jug cider and two glasses from the cupboard. "Why not. It wouldn't hurt to do something we promised to do. Remember? You said that "one day, I want to have some cider with my handsome boyfriend"" he chuckled. "Oh, stop it." Crystal says flushing. Cloud puts the two glass cups on the table and pours the cider, foam forming at the top. "Thank you." Crystal said grabbing his glass. He took a sip of his apple cider as cloud pours some for himself. He then puts the cider on the table and sits down at the table. Crystal could taste the alcohol in the cider. "Hmmmmmm cider." He thinks smiling. Cloud then starts giggling. "Hehehehehehe."

"Whats so funny...... wait a minute. You can't hold your alcohol very much, can you?" Crystal asks.

"Oh, whabdnis you talking bout?*burps*" Cloud burps out his mouth covered in foam. He then falls over and crystal rushes to his side. Crystal stands over cloud and asks if he's okay. "Hey... when did you get four heads? I want to kiss 'em." Cloud says pulling crystal in to kiss him. Crystal could taste the cider in his breath when they kissed. He pulls himself away from his drunk boyfriend. Cloud rolled over on his belly and started crawling towards crystal, with a drunken love face. "Come here my little Crystal bugs. I want all four of you. *hiccup*" He slurs out. Crystal moves forward, dodging cloud attempt to grab him and picks him up from behind. He drags Cloud up to the bedroom as cloud continues his drunken stupor. "I'm sooooooooo *burb* in love with my boyfriend! HEY EVERYPONY... COME SEE MY BOY......" Crystal stops him from yelling by putting his hoof on cloud mouth. Cloud then starts to suck on crystal hoof like a baby. Crystal's face then turns red from trying not to like it (Crystal... you into weird stuff boy. And I made you. And yes, I made crystal be into some kinky stuff).

"Stop it please. This is not the time for kinks!" He thinks dragging the Pegasus to his room. He lays cloud on the bed still suck on his hoof. "I would like my hoof back." Crystal says pulling away from cloud. "Noooooo I want my little buuuuug aaaaa." Cloud says like a little colt. Crystal wasn't going to deal with this all day. "If you go to sleep now, we can play later. Okay?" He sternly says. Cloud has the dumbest but most adorable smile on his face and says "okay." He plops down on the bed, completely falling asleep. "*sigh* we need to work on your alcohol tolerance. Not just your courage." Crystal whispers to himself exiting the room.

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