Issues and one Stark's escape

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i look around a little nervous at Jofferys wedding feast like i have been thrown to the lions den much like when my family first got here

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i look around a little nervous at Jofferys wedding feast like i have been thrown to the lions den much like when my family first got here. the thought of my family and all we lost has my mood drop even more my father who was a tough but fair man, my mother a sweet and loving mother and a strong woman who overcame so much. Robb the thought of him is enough to bring tears to my eyes he was my best friend always stuck up for me when i was picked on by theon or when he stood up to our own father when i was sent to high garden. im knocked out of my thought as i feel Oberyn lean over from beside me and kiss my cheek before whispering in my ear.

"breath little wolf i wont let any harm come to you nor your little sister" i find myself relaxing and leaning into his strong chest playing with the flowing sleeves of the dress i got as a gift from  Ellaria along with a necklace from oberyn. the short time with them has been the best in my life. i decide to focus on them and my nerves slowly fade away just like that. i only move my attention off of them when Joffery  starts talking mostly berating his uncle tyrion i lean more into Oberyns body feeling sorry for my friend i wish i could do something to stop it just as i have that thought joffery starts coughing i sit up straighter as the cough gets worse and blood comes from his mouth as people rush to him he runs into the crowed i quickly hide my face in oberyns chest not cause i am scared but to hide my smile. when i look up Jamie and Cersei are with their son i look over towards my sister to see Triston quickly getting her out of her seat and away i give him a subtle nod in thanks relived my sister is getting away from this mess. i focus back on whats happening barely keeping myself from laughing in relief when its confirmed that Joffery is dead instead i grip Ellaria's hand as Cersei yells blaming her own brother for her brats death. i lock eyes with my grandmother and i know all along she planned for this for the only friend ive had to take the blame for this.

a day after the whole ordeal i find myself pacing worried for my friend i know Tyrion is smart he will probably ask for a trail by combat asking Bronn or even Sandor to be his champion i know either on would be a good choice tho Sandor would be the best knowing his brothers weak spots, its the reason i sent him with oberyn to see Tyrion in the first place.

"little flower please calm down everything will be ok. your sister is safe where none can touch her and you said so yourself Tyrion is smart he will chose Sandor as his champion in battle and clear himself of this mess."i let out a sigh and lay down on the bed in my room my head gently landing on the older woman's lap as she starts playing with my hair. we stay like this for a while content to just stay in each others presence, when the door is opened and Oberyn comes in along with a not so happy Sandor i quickly jump up along with Ellaria.

"what happened is he ok?" i look between both men Sandor scoffs and answers my question

"about as much as he fuckin can asked for trail by combat this fuckin idiot offered to be his champion." both myself and Ellaria look at Oberyn in worry and shock tho Ellaria looks like she expected it i start pacing again  playing with my necklace.

"why would you do this? i mean i know the hate you hold for the Mountain and the Lannister's but why not let Sandor handle him he knows his weakness how he fights.he is not blinded by his hatred or need for revenge. i know you can fight your the fucking viper the best with a spear but what if you make a mistake you could lose your life! you would be leaving behind your daughters, brother nephew Ellaria and..and me, i just found you  both i dont want to lose you. i cant take anymore death i cant." i stop my pacing as Oberyn takes me into his strong arms as he lets me cry Ellaria rubbing my back i faintly hear the door close knowing Sandor left to give us privacy once i calm don he sits on my bed placing me on his lap his hands on my face making me look into his eyes

"look at me Aleia, my little wolf the best thing i did was telling my brother i would be your husband not only for myself but for Ellaria as well i will do everything in my power to make you smile i would not put that in jeopardy by getting myself killed by a man like Gregor Clegane. but as a man and a brother it is my duty to fight for the honor of my sister and her children as well as my future wife. i will kill the Mountain and come back to you and Ellaria. I vow this to you as a Martell and prince of Dorn." i let out a shaky breath and lay my head on his chest i know its selfish but this man and his paramour are the best thing to happen to me since i left winterfell and i dont no i cant loss them. i spend the rest of the night in both of there arms not caring one bit that people may talk i just want to be in the arms of the man and woman i have grown to care so much about in the short time ive known them

A/N finally done with this chap so sorry it took so long got sick and had some family health issues involving my grandmother  but im back hopefully the next chap doesnt take so long! enjoy. id love to get comments on if you guys like this story as much as i like writing it    

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