A Wolves howl

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before i know it a month(not sure how they measure time in got sooo I'm just doing how we do it now so its less confusing) has passed since i came to  live in Dorne, and have gone from Aleia Stark to Aleia Martell. i have grown close to all the girls since then but i have a special bond with both Obara and little Loreza. i wipe the sweat from my head after another long session of fighting Obara with a staff, i help the older girl off the ground proud that i managed to knock her down. i look up when i hear a clap and see Triston with little Loreza in his arms.

"You're getting better Lady Martell." i smile at the name although he has had my permission to call me by name since we were kids, he has taken to calling me Lady Martell to get me used to my new title he says. Obara smiles at him and i have to hide my own smile although the two of them cant see it myself Oberyn and Ellaria have all seen the two grow closer to each other to the point one is rarely without the other.

"yes she is becoming a better spear fighter as the days pass shes a quick learner." Triston laughs at that and i send him a glare."fast shes been trying to master the spear since she was a child in highgarden." i go to retort when Loreza gets free from  his arms and runs to me. i quickly bend down and scoop her up in my arms.

"what has you all excited little pup?" she smiles at the name before launching into the reason she and Triston have come to find me.

"a raven came with a letter for you, Tris says it came a long way." i smile at her before i look at Triston who has a serious look on his face. i grow concerned and hand Loreza to her sister who takes her away.

"Tris what is it?" i ask my worry growing Sandor is quick to come to my side. even though I'm safe here in Dorne he still has refused to leave my side or stand down as my protector.

"i'm not sure but the letter had the seal of house umber" i take a deep breath at the name of the one house that has always stood by my family, GreatJon  Umber was with my brother through out his whole stand. i was so relived when i had hard he survived the event that had taken  the lives of my mother,brother and my good sister along with there unborn child. i quickly take the letter from his hands and waste o time in reading it. after just a few lines i put my hand to my mouth and race inside. i don't stop for anyone not Triston who calls my name, nor Oberyn and ellaria as i pass them in the hall i don't stop until i get to Doran's study. the man quickly looks up as i rush in with Triston,Oberyn,Ellaria and Obara behind me.

"Aleia what is it dear child, your face is as white as death"i take a moment to catch my breath and thrust the letter into his hands. he slowly takes it and read the simple note that only hold a few sentences but the one that stands out the most simply says "The Young Wolf of the North still stands tall, ready to put an end to the lions reign, He only awaits his other half to help finish what he has started"  Doran looks up at me we both know that my father had always said me and my brother were like two sides of the same coin. We were the other one other half.

"He is alive Robb is alive! He is still moving against the Lannisters, i know you dont wish to be apart of this fight. But this is my family Doran I will not stand and let Robb fight this alone again. i must go to him GreatJon included a map in his letter I know this place i can be there within days but i must go now." i rush out holding my throat from how fast and loud i was talking i know Oberyn will fuss at me but i dont care. my husband is at my side in moments looking at his brother as if to challenge him. Doran just holds up his hand to cut off whatever Oberyn was going to say before he wheels his chair so he is in front of my trembling body.

"you are a Martell now Aleia that makes your family mine as well, i know i cant talk you out of going not that i would want to. my brother has told me for years we need to destroy the Lannisters for what they have done to our sister. i always thought peace was the best answer.. i was wrong you have my support i will give you as many men as you need."  i sag in relief and hug him i know he is hurting thinking of his sister and that he failed her by not fighting the Lannisters in the first place, i don't see that as true and i know his sister wouldn't have wanted him to carry that guilt with him. Oberyn looks at me then his brother with a smile, i know before he opens his mouth what he is going to say and also that i cant stop him. he deserves his revenge as much as my family does. what i don't expect is Obara standing beside me with a hand on my shoulder.

" i agree with my uncle you are family now, i will go with you and I'm sure some of my sisters will join me." i smile at her and gently take her hand in mine

"i know i cant talk you out of this anymore than i could your father. so thank you Obara but please be careful i wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you or any of your sisters" she smiles and nods her head at me before she leaves to tell her sisters the news i turns to leave and plan for the journey when Doran stops me

"i wish to talk to you alone for a moment." i nod and kiss both Oberyn and Ellaria telling them i will meet them in our room once they shut he door i take a seat in front of doran's desk "since your mother and father are both gone as the oldest stark still living this matter as far as i am concerned falls on you. My soon and your sister have grown close since her stay with us and i wish to come to an agreement for her and Trystane to marry. and before you say it is Sansa's choice i have brought the matter up to both her and Trystane they are open to it if you agree." i laugh a bit at how prepared he is and nod my head

"well if Sansa is fine with it then so am i, i have seen how they look at each other and i couldn't deny her something she has always wished for. but you do understand she will want to go with me once she finds out Robb is alive i can send Triston back with heras it is his duty to prtect her now. once she sees him although I'm not sure how long she will wish to stay. i do intend to take back Winterfell as well as visit my brother Jon on the wall." i let him know my intentions are more than just seeing and fighting with my brother, i fully intend to drive Ramsey out of my family's home and and free my younger brother from him as well as find my youngest sister.

"of course though i trust Tristons ability to protect Sansa i will send one of my own personal men as well." i thank him for caring so much for m and my sister and stay with him to talk more of the Marriage between Sansa and his son before i leave and go to the room i share with both my husband and our paramour. To discus all that has happened and prepare for a war years in the making finally getting the justice both our families deserve.

Very soon Wolves will bring blood to the mighty lions in kings landing.

A/N So sorry its taken a while guys im bad at updating also sorry for any mistakes if anyone is interested in editing this story for me once it is finished please let me know. Please Comment I love hearing from yall. Love Ya Guys!

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