New Home Old Friend

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as i step off the boat i am amazed at the sight after days at sea anything on land would be a nice site but this place is truly beautiful. i hook my arms with those of Oberyn and Ellaria both laughing as i start almost skipping with a childlike excitement not only am i truly free but i get to see the man i have loved and admired almost as much as my own father. i know from what Oberyn has told me his brothers health has not been the best and he is confined mostly to a wheelchair i felt my heart break at that thinking of my own brother crippled by an accident caused by the Lannister's but it would never change my view on either of them they both are stronger men for it in my we walk up to the place that would be my home i smile as a man comes to greet us i can no longer control myself as i run to him quickly bending down onto the ground and hugging the man i have missed for years this time i cried tears of happiness

"i have missed you too dear child let me look at you. you grew more beautiful than i imagined. i am very sorry for all you had to go through Aleia i should have brought you here sooner." i send him a smile and place my hand on his and let out a small sniffle felling Ellaria's hand on my shoulder i smile at her letting her know I'm OK

"its ok Doran im here now that is all that matters. besides i had my loyal protector with me and what i went through made me tougher than i ever was in winterfell or rosegarden"  i smile as i look back at Sandor looking more at ease now that we are far away from his brother and the lannister's while Oberyn and Ellaria go to see the sand snakes as they are called i decide to walk with Doran not quite ready to meet Oberyn's daughters. by the look on his face i know he can tell whats wrong.

"they will love you Aleia the girls may be rough around the edges but they are kind. i took the liberty of sending someone to the market to get some herbs that will help with your throat as well as what we will need to grow them here so we dont run out when you need them."even though it was such a simple gesture i feel tears in my eyes not having anyone other than the few people at the red keep that went out of there way to be kind to be and not want something from me or to hurt me later.

"i really am sorry you went through all this Aleia, you nor your family deserved any of that." he said with so much feeling.

"thank you my friend i am just happy you and my father arranged my marriage to Oberyn. im not sure what i would have done if i had to marry that monster and have my dear protector and friend guarding the brat that was the king. i just thank the old gods that his was a short reign" we continue to walk mostly in silence. i know is for my sake my voice having gone a bit more raspy from over use once we reach what looks to be a study i see a young boy close to my sister Sansa's age and by the proud look on Doran's face i know this must his son.

"Aleia this is my son Trystane. Trystane this is Aleia Stark." i smile shyly as he places a kiss on my hand and tells me he has heard a lot about me and proceeds to tell me about some things i hadn't had the chance to tell his father. i look over at Doran confused he only smiles back at me.

"i was going to wait a bit to give you a present of sorts arrived about a few days before you."

i look between the two Martells more confused than before, when i hear a voice scream my name and if it wasn't for Sandor grabbing my shoulders i would have falling. tears once again are in my eyes and i ignore the faint pain in my throat as i yell out my sisters name. to keep Sansa safe incase things went wrong i was not told where she was taken to i never thought it would be the same place i was going.

"Sansa i am so happy you are safe." i look at Triston standing off to the side with a smile and walk over giving him a hug

"thank you for keeping her safe Triston. oh you dont have to leave soon do you i would like for you to at east stay for my wedding" he smiles down at me with a chuckle

"I am going to stay here actually i was released from Highgarden and i already pledged my service to the Martells as your sisters protector or personal knight. Now i suggest you rest your  voice else Prince oberyn may come after me." i smile with relief triston and i was always close almost as close as myself and Robb just like Robb Triston took a protective role with me. we all turn as the door to the study is opened and a tall girl with her black hair tied at the back of her head and leather looking armor comes in. She is older than me i can tell and though her face is stern i can be a kindness in her eyes.

"if my father does not come after you myself or my sisters will Triston" i suck in a deep breath so this is one of Oberyn's daughters  i go to speak but she is quick to raise a hand cutting me off before i can say a word

"please my father told us it can be painful for you to speak to much he hasn't told us why, he thought he would leave that to you if you wish to tell us. i just wanted to meet you before my sisters tomorrow and get Triston here for training." i let out a relived smile and nod at her as she leaves with Triston behind her like a dog following his owner and i almost giggle. Triston has always been a shy guy but when it came to him falling for a girl he was eager to please her . i bid goodbye to Doran and Trystane following Sansa to the room i will share with her until my wedding want to spend all the time i can with her. as we walk she talks about how she loves it here and the company of  the young prince. this time i do let out a giggle earning a grumbled response from Sandor when it causes a painful cough. where Triston is more subtle about liking a girl Sansa is the complete opposite i will have to speak to Obryn later about what can be arranged. for now i am to happy to have my sister with me and both of us finally safe.

A/N sorry if it not the best tried to rush this a bit was gonna have it out yesterday but wifi was being a pain in the ass big time. the sand snakes and Dorans son may be a bit different from the show, as i have said before i have never actually seen this show just seen enough and read enough to know how certain people are. but they probably wont be in this much besides the next chap or two. Hope you guys like this please comment and vote!        

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