Snake bitten Part 1

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I sit with Ellaria my hand in hers as we both draw strength from each other watching a fierce battle in front of us neither pf us having the power to stop it. i cant even move or utter a word as Oberyn circles his opponent yelling at him to tell everyone in attendance his crimes i beg him in my head to stop to finish this. i look over at Ellaria wanting her to tell me its going to be OK that i worry for nothing instead i see a look of pure horror and grief on her beautiful face, i quickly turn back to the fight only to see something that completely breaks my heart. the mountain has regained his strength and now had Oberyn on the ground his hands on his face crushing his skull like it was nothing i quickly stand as the mountain kills the only man besides my brother i really cared about i rush to his side my hands on his chest felling his cold skin. a voice catches my attention as i look over at Cersei who has a evil grin on her face and my arm is roughly taken by the very man i fear more than anything. i try to fight his grip looking at Ellaria for help in return all i get is a look of pure hate.

"you did this you killed him you killed all of them your father,your mother, your precious brother Robb and my love.. all of there blood is on your hands i once thought of you as a blessing but you're a curse" i shake my head no i never knew any of this would happen and i never told Oberyn to fight this couldn't have been my fault. or was it...

"as a wedding gift i think a little reunion would be perfect" i once again bring my tear filled face to Cersei only for my attention to be brought to the left of her as a few men lead a horse pulling a small wagon over.... not just a wagon its full of bodies. bodies of the people i once knew and loved  my  Mother blood dripping from her open throat little Rickon holding Arya hand you can see the fear that was on there faces at the time of there deaths. alongside this is Bran and Sansa. i feel my breath catch in my throat when i look at the man in the horse i know by the clothes and strong shoulder this was my dear brother Robb but on top on his shoulders where his head once lay was the head of his dear dire wolf Grey wind. i can no longer stop the painful scream that comes from my mouth   

this part will be in 3rd person.

Oberyn lay in bed next to a sleeping Ellaria in there bed in his heart he knew the only thing missing was his little wolf to have her laying between them is all he and Ellaria have wanted since they met her at kings landing.Oberyn had never been more relived to be home better yet to have brought Aleia to his home to know she was safe and protected is all he needed to be happy, in the morning she would meet his girls of course he knew of her worries in meeting them but she would soon learn she had nothing to worry about he and Ellaria as well as Doren have told them about Aleia although wary of her at first the more they learned the more they have grown to like her already. his little wolf had that way about her to make people love her without ever meeting her. oberyn just closes his eyes when he hears i a broken pain filled scream coming from the room down the hall from his the room  where his little wolf slept  with her sister. in moments he is out of his bed Ellaria right behind him rushing into the open door of the room.

what Oberyn sees breaks his heart his strong Aleia lays shaking and crying in her little sisters arms her loyal protector standing close by to protect them both having a room that was attached to the girls it made since he would be here first. though it was the first time he had seen such a worried looked on the scared mans face but his only concern is the crying woman in the young girls arms broken coughs and alittle bit of blood coming from her abuse her throat went through with the scream. he rushes to her side gently taking her from Sansa,

Back to normal pov 

i wake up to gentle but frantic shakes i shoot up to see Sansa's worried face though i know she is not a bit shocked Ive had nightmares and woken up screaming even since what happened with the mountain  but this one feels so much worse. as the coughs start sansa takes the piece of cloth Sandor gives her as she gently wipes the few drops of blood from my lips. seeing the red on the white cloth has my cries coming out louder and i fall into my little sister chest. i should be the one to comfort her no the other way around but i know she doesn't mind she told me once it made her feel closer to mother being able to comfort someone she loves and have them feel safe like our mother did for us so many times as small children. moments later  i am gently taken from Sansa light grip and moved into a more firmer one. i fall further into the strong arms needing his comfort so much more right now to be able to press my ear against his hard chest and hear his heart feel his warmth to know he is alive. in the background i hear ellaria getting everyone out of the room telling Sansa she can stay in there room tonight and she and Oberyn will stay with me. after the door softly closes i feel her soft hands touch my back rubbing soothing circles.

"shh its ok little flower you are safe it was just a dream a horrible dream." i try to tell her it was so much more than that it was my worst nightmare and felt so real but all that comes out are more painful coughs. Oberyn goes to get up put i panic tightening my arms around his bare waist. his arms tighten around me in return and i feel the bed dip as Ellaria gets up instead i hear the door open and Ellaria thank someone for saving her a trip as she didn't want to leave me. when she walks back over Oberyn moves slightly and takes a cup from her bringing it to my trembling lips. i sip the slightly bitter tea thankful for the slight relief i get. i open my mouth this time im able to form quite words.

"it was awful Oberyn that monster of a man Gregor.." i cut myself off the name bringing a shiver o fear to my body as i picture the blood flowing from Oberyn's face and the look of hate on Ellaria's

"he killed you with his bare hands. Ellaria there was so much hate in her eyes she blamed me and and she was right then my..oh god there bodies little Ricken,mother, Robb everyone i hold dear." i break down again i feel bad talking about Ellaria like she was not here i wouldn't even look at her i couldn't, i couldn't bare to see disappointment and hate in her eyes. Oberyn pulls away making sure he stays in the same spot by my side but also putting enough distance for Ellaria to sit in front of him so she was slightly in front of me. i turn away only for her to gently take my chin in her soft hands my eyes widen when she places her lips to mine, the kiss is soft and tender Oberyn has kissed me a few times since we met but Ellaria has kept a distance letting me get used to the thought of being with a woman. i always thought it would feel wrong and disgusting but i was so wrong her kiss felt just as good as Oberyn's she pulls away and stare into my eyes with love and tenderness.

"i could never hate you Little flower even if we lost Oberyn that day i would not blame you it would have been on the lannister's never you." i smile softly at her words we all three lay down and i curl into Ellaria burring my head into her chest as Oberyn puts his arms around us both his lips softly kiss my shoulder.

"sleep little wolf if you have another nightmare we will be right here with you. i will not allow any man or woman hurt you again you have my word as a prince and as a man of Dorn." i smile at the promise it having so much more meaning to me than he would ever know i fall asleep for the second time that night only this time i feel safe and loved more than i ever knew i could be.

A/N ok so this ended up being longer than i though so this will be a two part chapter i actually like how it turn out despite not having a lot of dialog. i have a question tho would you guys want to see the wedding of Oberyn and Aleia or skip it and get to the real action faster?     

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