Fight and a little revenge.

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by the time the day of the trail comes i am a nervous wreck as is Ellaria which is to be expected of does not help that Cersei told me that if Oberyn does in fact lose my marriage to Gregor is back on and will happen just one day after the fight takes place something i have not told anyone other than Sandor and that was only after he confronted me about why i had been so off. he has told me to tell Oberyn but i don't want to distract him but maybe he was right and it may just be the motivation he needs to focus on the fight and not just on revenge if losing has such repercussions. im knocked from my thoughts as Ellaria lays a gentle hand on my arm as Oberyn steps away from us after talking to Ellaria we already had our talk before so i let them have their moment. now i cant let him walk away and step up calling his name and running into his arms.

"shh little wolf everything will be ok i promise i will get revenge for both our families" tears fill my eyes  and i know Sandor was right Oberyn is blinded by revenge and anger and that leads to mistakes.

"Oberyn please dont be blinded by your hate i just found you both. before you and Ellaria i was only lived for my family after my fathers death and my youngest sister disappearance my life became about making Sansa safe and happy. but the moment my eyes caught yours in that brothel of little fingers my life changed and for the first time in years i wanted to live for myself  to throw everything to the winds and live my own life with you and Ellaria.. Oberyn i cant build that life i want with you both if you dont focus because if you lose i..i will get married to the mountain tomorrow and Sandor will be made protector to Cerise's youngest son ." i can see the anger on his face at my words but also a new determination there as well he strokes my check softly and places a kiss on my head.

"i give you my word my love i will give my all in this fight so we all can live a life together this alone will be my revenge against the mountain and then together we will leave this place behind' he places a light but passionate kiss on my lips and heads to the area with his spear in hand. i sit next to ellaria and we hold hands tightly both afraid for the man we care so much about. as the fight goes on we both are on the edge of our seats and i cant help but give a little cheer as Oberyn gets his opponent onto the ground gravely injured its then he starts yelling at him about what happened to his sister and to me and my family. i notice Gregor  start to regain some strength and i stand up frantic

"dont get cocky love and end this for your sister for us!" he nods at me and turns to Gregor doing a spin to get away as he goes to grab Oberyn me and Ellaria  hug as the fight is called to an end by  Tommen who is to become the new king in his brothers stead after the mountains arm is cut off at the elbow. with a nod from Ellaria we both take off and run into Oberyns arms. i then walk to my friend and bend to his height

"enjoy your freedom my friend i know you do not wish to stay here so where ever you go please be safe." he gives me nod and looks at Oberyn who with Ellaria is now beside me.

"take care of her Martell and m'lady Stark i give you my word i will find what remains of your family and help them all i am able to." i smile and squeeze his shoulder we stay around a little longer as it is announced that Tyrion is indeed pardoned although Cersei did one thing good for her baby brother and had him banished from the red keep and i could see the relief on his face and the pain on Jaime's at having his brother banned like that. i return to my room and start to pack with Ellaria's help in just one day i will leave this hell and the people who made my life so hard these past years. i can finally start my own life and repair the damage done to my family for once i sleep that night nightmare free and a smile on my face for what is to come.

A/N so sorry this is yet again a short and not to good chapter i really just wanted to get something out. sorry it took so long have had a bad few weeks. first i hurt the roof of my mouth on a popcorn corneal then got a headcold,found out my grandpas cancer is back and its bad...then got the flue as well as drama at work so its been rough



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