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Hey guys im so happy people are enjoying this story sadly im putting this on hold for a while been having some issues in my life. My uncle who noone likes anyhow up and left my aunt for the third time. my grandpa who we just found out a few weeks ago that his cancer is back well he had a fall yesterday and..well its spread and stage four there is other stuff related to him but id rather not talk about it. I will be back on this story just need to focus on family right now

So I now don't know how long this will be on hold. my grandpa passed away a few days ago, and its been hectic my grandma has begged my parents and myself to come live with her.. so we will be moving back to my hometown soon my grandmas place is in the middle of nowhere really so until we get wifi set up there I won't have internet access but fear not I WILL RETURN! I WILL NOT LEAVE THIS STORY 

Im alive!!! sorry its been a while guys just know that i am working on the new chap now and about half is done. it took a while to get wifi living with my grandmother now after my grandpa passed away. plus myself my mom dad brother and grandmother have had covid but are on the mend tho my brother is still in the middle of it. but glad to say im back!!!

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