once a wolf

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the day of the kings wedding has finally come, and all i feel is relief and as ive gotten to know Oberyn and Ellaria more  i feel my old self coming back though i didn't realize this until just an hour before the wedding itself when i find myself in a familiar situation with the mountain holding me against the wall a strong hand against my throat.

"No matter what has happened you are still mine, little mouse" his words only succeed in making me angry not scared i quickly shake my head at Sandor who tries to interfere and with a simple movement of my hand i bring the attention of my guard's brother to the very sharp knife just sharpened by Oberyn himself that i have held to a very tender spot i can only smirk at the look on my tormenters face 

"what's the matter dear didn't think the mouse had it in her? let me enlighten you. you may be bigger than me and taken my voice from me I may have nightmares from what you did to me. But I am still a wolf of Winterfell and I swear to you and anyone who brings more harm to me or my family you will understand the meaning of winter is coming. now get away from me before you lose your tiny dick." I never take my eyes off of him even when I hear Sandors chuckle i know better than to take my eyes off of an enemy, so I don't move an inch until Sandor steps Infront of me and pushes his brother away his sword out and ready the clearing of a throat catches our attention as we turn to see both turn to see Tyrion standing with both Oberyn and Ellaria without thinking twice i go straight to then both standing between them and soaking up the comfort I get from them. 

"Mountain, I believe my nephew was looking for you" i keep my eyes on the man until he grunts and leaves my eyes still refuse to move until Oberyn steps in my view and brings up my hand still griping the knife, he very gently uncurls my fingers from the hilt and takes it from me kissing my red hand.

"Are you alright little wolf" we all look over at Sandors chuckle 

"She is indeed never seen my brother so shocked before than again any man would with a fuckin knife to his cock" I can't help but laugh at his words I still can't believe I did that if only Arya could have seen me. Oberyn looks proud as Ellaria hooks her arm with mine with a smile on her face Oberyn kisses my forehead and leads us towards where the wedding is to be held. afterwards we all sit down and enjoy the feast in honor of the happy couple.

A/N so sorry this is so short ive had issues with this chap i just didn't know what to write it wasn't going to be so short i was going to have more to it like Joffrey's fate but just wanted to get a chap out after waiting so long. next chap will be longer so sorry this one was crap been stressed out. ill do better 

much love Bre          

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