Chapter 11

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•-• Aang POV •-•
The boy, I learned is Hakodan, explained the story to me. "So the first day of her training she advanced so quickly that she beat every boy in our class. She asked if she could fight Pakku. Pakku accepted. Bad choice. He threw a strong funnel of water at her that made her hit the wall. She went into the Avatar state and she knocked out Master Pakku. Yeah.... Oh and by the way this is Karta." Hakodan said while pointing to a girl about my sisters age.
"Hey guys." Audrie said while walking up to us with a little purple dragon. "No way, Sina is that you?!?" I asked. She growled and flew towards me and bit my finger. "That's for leaving us, Aang." My sister said. I kind of grew angry. "You know I had no choice! They were going to send me off to the Western Air Temple!" I yelled at her. "Well if you stayed a little longer, you would've found out that Monk Gyatso got the other monks to let you stay at the Southern Temple!" she yelled back. "Sina, grow big." Audrie said while climbing on Sina's head. She flicked the reins and said "tip tip!" "Wait, Audrie! I'm Sorry!" I called out. But she had already flew off.

Audrie's POV
I can't believe him. He left me by myself. I begged him to stay but no, he didn't want the pressure of being the Avatar. He didn't think I understood his fate. How he had to save the world.

While I was flying on Sina I saw fire navy ships. A huge fleet. "Sina, turn sky blue." I instructed. She turned and then I told her to turn around and go back to the Tribe. When we returned I told the wall guards to bang the drums. I then flew IN the castle ON Sina. We landed in front of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Yue, Arnook, and Pakku. "The Firenation is about to attack. Gather your men, healers, and protect certain people. Get ready to fight for the existence of the water nation." I told everybody. I looked at Aang. "You're not fighting." I told him. "What? Why not?" "Because I'm older and I said so. Also you'll blame yourself when you see people die. The bloodshed will hurt you. I survived the bloodshed and burn of our people." I told him. He nodded. "You have a more important job. You'll go into the avatar state and visit my friends in the spirit world!" I told him. By now people have gathered in the room and Arnook was starting a speech. "The day we have feared for so long is finally here. The Firenation is in our doorstep. It is with great sadness that I call my family before me today, knowing well that some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe, but they will never vanish from our hearts. Now, as we approach the battle for our existence, I call upon the great spirits. Spirt of the Ocean! Spirit of the Moon! Be with us! I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission." Sokka stands up and says "Count me in!" "Sokka..." Katara says trying to reason with her brother. "Be warned, many of you will not return. Cine froward to receive my mark, if you accept this task." Arnook adds, not really helping with the whole Sokka situation. Sokka gets in line and gets a mark on forehead. He turned around and looked at a crying Yue for a moment, and walked away preparing for battle. I stood up and walked in line. When I got my mark I turned around to face my brother and friends and a crowd of people staring at me weirdly. "What? I'm the avatar I can fight in battle if I want to and I want to." I walked to my brother. "I didn't think you were serious about this!!" Aang said. I sighed. "Aang. I will pass over into the spirit world when I'm ready. lets go." I said.

We stood on the wall. Aang with his glider, me with my glider and Sina. Before the Firenation attacked I attacked. I dove off the wall into the water below. "AUDRIE!" I heard Aang yell when I jumped. I swam under water, using water bending to make me go faster. When I was near the ships I created a water spout and pused myself up and out of the water, towering over the ships. I earthbended the rock on the sea floor. I made boulders and sharp pieces of rock and threw them at the ships. The sharp pieces impelled and damaged the ships while the boulders knocked the fiery boulder throwing thingy ma-giger overboard. The guards on the ship threw fireball after fireball at me. I deflected some of them, absorbed them, and threw them back 10-times stronger. I didn't care if I hurt any if them. They didn't care when they wiped out my people. This made me enraged. My fire turned blue and golden and silver. The guards looked shocked an ran away for cover. I kept throwing my cool looking fire at any ship that came near me. I threw my fire at everything. I sunk ships and watched the people onboard jump overboard and swim away for dear life. Then I heard a roar and a hand in my shoulder. I turned around and saw Aang, Katara, Yue, and surprisingly Sokka on Appa. I calmed down and my fire turned its normal red-orange but still had specks of blue, gold, and silver in it. I climbed on Appa and Katara took the reins from Aang. Aang walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and he said "You know your eyes and tattoos are glowing purple right. And your hair is glowing silver." I looked at my arms and say that my tattoos were glowing a fading purple then I looked at the tips of my hair and saw that it was glowing a faded, sparkly silver. I took a deep breath and it all together stopped glowing. "How did that happen?" Sokka asked climbing next to me. "I don't know. I just got so mad about what they did to my people. I thought about how I watched them show no mercy on our people. I decided to show no mercy on them. I wanted to make them see and feel the suffering. I-" I ranted till I saw the familiar blue hues of the spirit world. "Hello Avatar Audrie." A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Avatar Yang Chin (the last airbender Avatar before me and my brother). "Hello Avatar Yang Chin." I said as I got up and bowed deeply, showing respect for a past life. "I have bought you here to tell you of your past. Every airbending Avatar has another a second airbending Avatar. The avatar can be family, friend, or lover. The second Avatar for me was my best friend. His name was Chang. We grew up together in the air temples. Of course during my time, war wasn't a problem, so he helped me on small things such as resolving conflicts between people, nations, tribes, and cultures."
"I'm sure you're wondering about your fire. You are special. You will naturally protect Aang when he's scared, hurt, or harmed. Your are a descendent from Avatar Chang. He married and had your grandfather which married a water bender. They had your mother, an airbender, who married a fire bender. They had you, but to protect you they gave you to the monks."
"You are related to Aang. Related in a special way I can't explain. You are stronger than Aang. He will always have red fire. But as you advance more your fire will turn silver then finally gold. Gold is stronger and hotter than silver. Silver is stronger and hotter than blue. You can also conduct lightening and redirect it. Your earth bending is stronger also. You will be able to do extraordinary things with your earth bending. As for water bending, in a little while, you'll discover things about it. You'll be able to use a single movement with water and sometimes win the fight or battle. Your ice will glisten, this means that your ice won't melt. But you can bend ice that can melt and ice that won't melt." I nodded, not knowing what to say. "Tell Aang I said hello. See you soon." She said while fading away.
Aang's POV

Audrie was telling us what kind of happened that made her angry. Then her arrow and tattoos started glowing. Her hair didn't glow though. I figured out that when she's in the spirit world her hair doesn't glow. But if she's in the avatar state her hair glows. "What happened?" Katara asked. "Don't worry, she is just talking with the avatars or spirits." I said. "Oh ok."
After about five minutes or so, Audrie stopped for glowing. "Hey guys. What happened? Oh wait, never mind." She said. "So what happened in the spirit world?" Solka asked curiosity getting the best of him. "Oh um... I met Avatar Yang Chin. She-" "who's Avatar Yang Chin?" I asked. she stared at me. "How di you not know who Avatar Yang Chin is? That's it. Dishonor! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on this situation! Dishonor-" she said. "Just tell us who she is!" Sokka said cutting her off. She huffed. "Fine. Avatar Yang Chin is the last airbending Avatar before us. Do you wanna meet her?" "Um sure, but how are you-" I asked. But she hit her left palm with her right fist. I saw a blue figure come out of her. "Hello Aang. I'm Avatar Yang Chin." Avatar Yang Chin said. "Um hello." I said with a slight wave. I looked at Sokka and Katara. They both had their mouths wide open. "I'll see you both soon." She said while going back into my sister. Audrie opened her eyes and asked "you like her?" I nodded. "H-How'd you do that? Can I do it to?" I asked doing the same motions she did. Nothing happened. "Don't worry Aang. You'll be able to do it very soon."
I didn't notice till I felt the warmth of the spirit oasis. I looked around in awe. "It's the most spiritual place in the North Pole." Yue said. "Do you know how to cross over into the spirit world Aang?" My sister asked. "No." "Ok, this is what you do. Get in a meditative pose. And find peace with in yourself. Focus on crossing a bridge, the bridge of humanity and spirits. You'll know when you're there. I'll be with you."
Here's a filler chapter in so sorry for not updating.
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