Chapter 12

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Aang POV
"Why are they sitting like that?" Yue asked. "They're meditating, trying to cross over into o the Spirit World." I scrunch my face up in concentration. "It takes all of their concentration." Katara added. "Is there anyway we can help?" Yue asked in a helping manner. "How about some quiet? Come on guys, we can hear every word you're saying!" Audrie exclaimed. I feel as if air moves through me and I open my eyes to find the rocky, mountainous like appearance of the spirit world. I heard a hum. "Hello, I'm sorry to disturb you but we really need to find the moon and the ocean spirits" I said to a monkey- at least I think it was a monkey. "Um-hm. Go. Away." It said. He opened his eyes and saw that me and my sister were still there. "You're still here." "Yes, we need-" Audrie tried to saw but was cut of by the monkey humming loudly and dramatically. Audrie advanced foward. "Perhaps that thing will help you chase it." He said. I took after it.

Audrie POV
"I fell for that trick once, Micko." "Audrie, is that you?" "Yeah, I have to go get my brother. See ya later." I said while taking off in the direction of my brother. I saw my brother in a lake/pond thingy. He was looking down at a reflection of... Roku? "Avatar Roku!" Aang said.

Zuko POV
I was still dragging the Avatar- I mean Avatars threw a blizzard. The blizzard was strong and dry and was only worsening by the minute. I felt the ice ground beneath me rumble and start to give away. I looked down and saw it start to crack, real big and real fast. I ran with the boy on my back and the girl in my arms. I barely made it. I saw a cave up ahead and said "Shelter." I dragged them I the cave, dropped them to the ground, and tied them up with rope.

Audrie POV
I jumped down into the water with a small splash. I walked over towards Aang as he said "Roku, the Watertribe is being attacked and we need to find the ocean and the moon spirits." Roku took form as a spirit and looked at us. "The Ocean and the Moon are ancient spirits, they crossed over from the spirit world to the mortal world very near the beginning. There is only one spirit I know of who's old enough to remember." Roku said. "Who?" Aang asked. "Please don't say Koh, the Face Stealer." "You are right Audrie. The spirit is Koh. He is very dangerous. When you speak with him, be very careful, to show no emotion at all. Not the slightest expression or he will steal your face." Roku finished. I looked at Aang, already knowing this information from the time I spent here. When I met Koh he tried to make me show emotion. After about a year or so of this, he discovered he couldn't so we became friends. We only hung out when I wasn't visiting the mortal world as a spirit or when my other spirit friends were busy. I wonder how he's been? Anyway, I looked over at Aang and saw he wore a face of pure horror. "Don't worry Aang. I'm actually friends with him. He will only try to steal your face. If you feel like you need to show emotion squeeze my hand." I instructed him. He just glanced at me and nodded.

Katara POV
We landed Appa and saw the worsening blizzard. Sokka hopped off of Appa and landed firmly in the fresh fallen snow. He looked around an looked at me worriedly. I eyes started to water but I knew we would get them back.

Zuko POV
I rubbed my hands together and breathed fire to keep myself from freezing to death. "I finally have you. But I can't get you home because of this blizzard. There's always something. Not that you would understand; you're like my sister, everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy and everyone adores her. My father said she was born lucky, he said I was lucky to be born. I don't need luck though, I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am." I said to myself. "Yes it has, Zuko. As a girl in the airtemple, I wasn't supposed to be a bender. No girls are. But even before I discovered my airbending I knew that I would never be like the other girls. The girls never liked to play or get dirty or fight or not dress formal. I liked to play and fight and actually get dirty. I only dressed formal for certain occasions. I wore pants and shirts everyday and for this I was bullied an teased. But what you have to understand is that you are who you are and nobody can take that away from you. And trust me, you would be disappointed in what your sister has become." The girl said to me. She sounded so wise, beyond her years. "You've met my sister?" I asked her. "No I haven't but I know an ancestor of yours who watches over you, your father, your sister, the Firenation, the world, but most importantly your mother." She said. "Who? And how do you know about my mother?" "Your great grandfather. And your great grandfather told me of her story when I was in the spirit world. He's taught me if everything that happened when me and my brother were gone, away from the world." "You mean Fire Lord Sozin?" "No, your other grandfather. Avatar Roku was your mothers grandfather. You are a descendent of an Avatar, hunting down the Avatars. I have to go back to the spirit world now. Avatar Roku sent me to talk to you. My brother and I have to go talk to Koh, The Face Stealer. Oh and nice to meet you Prince Zuko, my name is Audrie." She said as her arrows started to glow again. I took in all of what she told me. I sighed an walked back closer to the small fire in the middle of the fire.

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