LOV'S Worst Mistake.. (Chapter 6)

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(Ok so i think i got writers block but reversed i have way too many ideas for this story i have atleast over 6 so just hope you enjoy Urarakas POV also i decided im going to make Uraraka be emotional in this chapter so read it to find out how also spoiler alert.. Some crazy murder happens in this chapter ik ik but i need it for the story -Crazy Author "D)

I woke up to the noise of screaming and yelling i was already going to be in a bad mood and i knew it, WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS SCREAMING? ABOUT! " S-DABI KEEPS ON FUCKING PLAYING GAMES WITH ME IM ABOUT TO TOUCH HIM WITH ALL FIVE OF MY FUCKIN FINGERS" (Wait im going to do something so i dont have to constantly say Shigaraki said or Toga said im just gonna do this from now on you will know who is talking by this "S- DABI KEEPS ON FUCKING-" the -S means Shigaraki ok let us continues)

"D- No im not he's just being a crybaby aren't you shigaraki?"  "S- I am getting so fed up with YOUR SHIT IT HURTS MY BRAIN JUST THINKING ABOUT IT" Stop fucking fighting over dumb shit i said as i facepalmed "S-Fine but im not backing down to you Dabi.."  "D- Shit i dont care i was only messing with ya" Ok now im gonna go get that girl again im pretty sure she is going to be prepared for me so im gonna sneak in her home its it's Saturday so she doesn't have school i know where she lives from.. old memories... so dont fight why im gone also toss me one of those needles again just incase "S- Sure miss bossy pants" shut up im not on your shit right now i have to get going now byeee!

(Togas POV)

I keep on thinking about what happened yesterday and something keeps on bugging me i dont know why she said "I just wanted to see you again" like we met or something i mean my mom did say i suffered from amnesia as a kid but i dont think she has anything to do with that she cant be.. she is a villain i would never allow a villain any room for time in my life.. any time i ask my mom about what happened in my past and about the people i knew she never brings it up i could tell i definitely was friends with someone in my past because i had a notebook written all about her, her name was Ochako Uraraka but that villain didn't tell me her name... why am i even worrying about this she cant be her she cant.. (Sigh) im just going to take a walk and let my mind reset itself.. yeah that's exactly what ill do....

(Urarakas POV)

I was walking back to Togas old house when i saw her it looked like she was also walking back to her house this was perfect and she still had that spare key pot what a win ill just wait until she goes inside, she went in with a sad expression it looked like she was thinking about something oh well im not worried about whatever the fuck she has going on right now, (Uraraka walked up to Togas house and grabbed the spare key out of the hidden pot) Hey Togaaa~ i hope you dont mind me walking in..

(Togas POV, I know i keep switching sorry!)

I was walking to my house for some reason i felt like someone was watching me but i just brushed it off as i was almost at my house, i opened the door walked in and closed it making sure to lock it just incase i walked up the stairs and went back in my room to try to go to sleep but then i heard the door open.. and then a familiar voice.. "Hey Togaaa~ i hope you dont mind me walking in.." i immediately went out of my room to see who came in but i saw no one at the door but i knew someone was in my house so i made sure to go down the stairs quietly but then  felt someone's warm hand go on top of my mouth and a arm go around my body i couldn't talk because it was all muffled by the person's hand "You know i really like it when you struggle~" i immediately recognized the voice now my eyes widened as i turned my head around to see who was behind me... sure enough it was that villain but then she removed her hand and put it around my body almost in like a hugging position, W-WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, All she did after i said that was have that same cocky smirk on her face she always had.. untill now "Oooh you know that really hurts coming from you~" At this point i wanted to use my quirk but couldn't because i was pinned down on the wall, W-what is your n-name? as i said that her eyes widened as if she was intrigued, She held tight upon me and then bent down to my face as she was taller then me "Are you starting to remember something?"

Killing is a fantasy (Villain Uraraka x Hero Toga)Where stories live. Discover now