Till Death Does Us Part (Chapter 8)

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I am really sorry i haven't posted in like forever either have not found the time or couldn't do it or just genuinely being lazy but here is the new chapter hope you enjoy it!, (Urarakas POV). and also uhh i decided to uhm kinda act like the little girl neeeeevvvvverr existed bc i wanted my oc to be in the sequel of this so sorry lol yes dont spare me oh and Uraraka confesses in this chapter... -Mentally unstable Author)

Toga how many times do i have to say clean up your fucking blood when you spill it, your not gonna upgrade your quirk by doing pointless shit like this! >:) "Wow how harsh of you, you really cant say anything your the one who never cleans up her messes!" Ugh yes i do thank you very much and i would like if you would do the same actually.

"Ok well i didn't what are you gonna do make me float? WoOOOooOoow" Actually sure i will. "H-HEY PUT ME DOWN URARAKA!!" Ok ok wouldn't wanna make your face look even more redder, i said as i pulled a smirk "J-just shut up! shouldn't we be worrying about different things?" Like what? "Oh i dont know planning on attacking UA we cant just let them sit there gaining even more info about us as time passes by until it is tooooo late" Ehh we can plan tomorrow-"NO WE NEED TO PLAN TODAY!" Ugh fine mrs. bossy pants it is not like they are gonna do anything with the amount of balls they have = 0 "Well still it is better safe then sorry right?" Yea..

(Timeskip Togas POV)

I think i have been acting weird here lately.. i have been developing weird feelings towards Uraraka.. she is just a friend and nothing more.. atleast that is what i think... i just need to stop..

B-because even if i do like her.. no- she doesn't like you.... right? i mean she acts real... flirty..... but maybe that is.. just how she is i mean maybe it is just confidence.. no... that's not confidence.. that is...

why am i thinking about this? snap back to reality! get a good view of the situation all you have to do... is Confess.. it cant be that hard? right..? i mean- Oh damn it here i am drifting into these thoughts... i should just wake Uraraka up and tell her how i feel.. Why am i making this so hard?

Just do that!- no dont do that... but- no i shouldn't.. maybe i should jus- "Hey Toga.." H-huh? "Why do you look like your going through the five stages of grief?" O-oh nothing im just thinking about some stuff.... "Like what?" Shouldn't you just go back to sleep Uraraka? "Nooooo i dont want to i want to stay up with yooooouuu." ... "Hey Toga.." Y-yeah Uraraka? "I think...."

"Well i think.."

"I think im falling madly in love with you Toga....." At that exact moment my heart began to beat faster then a rollercoaster my face grew hot as i replied, Y-y-you what? "You heard me im in love with you.." S-so you l-love me?... "Yes i wouldn't let anything bring us apart i was so happy when you came back into my life i knew as soon as i saw you.. that i had truly loved you.." I-i.... i actually think........ that... i love.... you too.... my body always races up.. when i am around you i felt like you were the only thing that i could have possibly cared about.. I love you very much actually Uraraka,... After i said that Uraraka did not look surprised but yet more like... amused i could tell we were about to fall into our very first kiss~

(Nobody's POV)

"Well then i hope you enjoy this Toga~" Uraraka held Toga's chin up to her face and pushed her lips against Toga's.. Uraraka had wrapped her tounge around Toga's after a while they broke the kiss for air.. "U-Uraraka..." Uraraka did not even look phased yet amused and filled with pleasure.. "Yes my love?." Uraraka said with a devious grin after licking her lips "T-that was sudden.." Toga said with a shocked but not shocked voice.. "Well then this only means one thing~" Uraraka said which her signature devious smile "What is that?"  "Were official now of couse!"Uraraka basically yelled "Oh yeah i guess we ar- oops my lip is bleeding did you bite my lip!?" Toga said with a playful yet mad tone "Oooooops me? never! i would neverrrrr!" Uraraka said with a sarcastic grin "Why did you bite me?" "Finnnnnee i dont know why i just did" Uraraka said as she bursted out laughing "Its not funny!" Toga whined "Wait Toga what is wrong with your lip?!" Uraraka panicked.. "W-what?" Toga had hurried to put her finger on her lip but when she did her blood spreaded to her finger like it was manifesting her.. "H-HEY WHATS WRONG WITH ME URARAKA!" Toga yelled "I DONT KNOW TRY USING YOUR QUIR-" "THIS OBVIOUSLY IS MY QUIRK URARAKA" the blood continued to spread across her body until it formed itself into a sickle "WOAH WHAT IS THAT?!" Uraraka said with a slightly jealous tone but largely suprised "I-i dont know but it is definitely a blood sickle," Toga said with a joyous tone "What if it is your quirk upgrade that has never happend and we dont even know what it does so we might as well call it a upgrade!" Uraraka said with sparkles in her eye's "Oh maybe your right i think that since it spreaded over me so fast that i can change my blood into anything now!" Toga practically yelled "Wait that might just be true....." (Time skip to night timmmmmeeeee)

(Urarakas POV)

It had been awhile after the incident well it was Toga's quirk upgrade i should definitely not call it a incident.. the kiss was lovely tho, she is taking a shower as of now i should probably just watch tv till she get's out before i fall asleep..

The water had just turned off she must be getting out i can wait i'll turn on a movie or something i dont have anything to do anyways "Hey Uraraka im out the shower" Toga had said that to me while fucking wearing the most fucking revealing clothes ever Why are you wearing a tang top and sports shorts?!"Uhmm because were inside plus it's comftorable"  Well get on the bed i put on a movie! i said while grinning.

Toga had hopped on the bed and began to watch a movie im on the edge of falling asleep already even if we have began to cuddle "Hey Uraraka" What? "Turn the movie off i wanna go to sleeeeepp" i just turned it on but ok because i do to we have work tomorrow big work.. "JUST TURN THE GOD DAMMN MOVIE OFF!" OK JESUS CHRIST

I turned the tv off and the lights then layed down with Toga put my arm's around her then went to sleep thinking about what her going to have to do tomorrow while snuggling my face onto Toga's neck..

(Ok very sorry if this chapter was short i have lost alot of motivation so if you can i would love if you guys gave me some motivation but i am still very grateful to whoever actually reads my story i think im gonna end it on chapter 12 but i am going to make 2 sequels to this story with larger amount of chapters hope you enjoyed so far.) 

Killing is a fantasy (Villain Uraraka x Hero Toga)Where stories live. Discover now