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Robin's POV
I kept thinking back to my conversation with Beast Boy as we are riding threw the city in our van.

Cyborg is driving as usual and I'm sitting next to him. I didn't even hear him calling me, only after Beast Boy and Cyborg shouted my name.

"What?" I ask surpised.

"You weren't listening to a word i just said." Cyborg said.

"You okay Robin?" Beast boy asked concerned.

"Yeah just thinking."

"Aynway i said there has been an alarm, Charmer is out again. Only this time he actually used his powers." Cyborg says.

"I see. Well is he still there or has he escaped before we actually come there?" I ask.

"Hopefully no. We'll see." He replies.

We fastly arrived to the place where Charmer is.
We got out of the car and spread out to find him.
Unfortunately we didn't find him, they already hide.

I sighed and called group to call it a day and get back to tower.


I saw Cyborg hanging out with Beast Boy in the living room, probably playing some games. I joined them, sat on the couch and watch what are they playing.

"Oh hi Robin. What's up?" Cyborg greets me.

"Nothing, just bored so i came to see what are you two up to since girls are out having girl time i guess." I shrugged.

"Well we're playing football, me and Beastie are on the same team." He explained.

"I see."

Beastie was concentrated on winning in the game, he looks so cute while being concentrated on something.

Just then he scores a goal in a game.

"WOOOO LET'S GO BEAST BOY!" Cyborg happily says and pulls him close for a hug.

I got uncomfortable, thinking how Beastie must like him, i can't watch them so i looked away.

They continued playing. Cyborg was getting angry at the game as usual, Beastie not so much but still groaned here and there.

The game ended and they have won.

They both high fived. "Congrats." I simply say.

"Hey Robin are you okay? You keep sighing." Beastie says.

Do i? I haven't noticed, i was probably too annoyed by them getting so close to each other because Cyborg kept touching his shoulder or something and i just can't take it anymore.

Yeah I'm jelaous, i can't help myself.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little stressed." I got up and went to kitchen to get some water.
I didn't notice that he would followed me.

As he appeared behind me, he suprised me so much that i almost dropped my glass.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk to you alone. You seemed really sad or stressed and i wanted to check up on you." My eyes widen a bit by him saying that.
Does he care about me that much?

"Thanks but it's really nothing."

Suddenly he took my wrist and led me to his room.

"What are you dragging me for?" I ask suprised.

"Now that we're alone, you can tell me honestly what's been bothering you, i can see that you're not doing well." He's face full of worry.

Why does he has to be so cute?
I internally screamed in my head and let out a sigh.

I look at him and pulled him in for a hug.

"Thank you for worrying about me." I whisper.

"How could i not? You're my..."

"I'm what?" I don't i think i heard him say it.

"Best friend!" He suddenly suprises me with that.

Great, now I'm even more sad. I need to think of a lie so he could just drop this. He interrupts my thoughts by asking me excitedly.
"How about we go out and just have fun?"

"Nahh, i rather just stay home." I admit.

"Then I'm staying too." He suddenly decides, i look at him suprised.

"We can watch a movie together, when was the last time we watched something together?" He ask me with a genuine smile.

"I don't know. It's been a long time now. We could, i guess."

I set up my laptop and some random movie.
We're both sitting next to each other in the bed with a laptop in my lap.

"This is actually interesting." He comments the movie.

"It's not bad i guess."

So i didn't actually know that i have chosen a romantical movie but it started like a adventure and full of sci-fi.

So when it got to the part that the main character realized he liked this girl, Beast Boy said how is he so blind not to notice it.

"I guess he was too worried about how she might not like him to the point where he doesn't see it how obvious she is." I said.

"They like each other so much. I wish.." he trailed off.

"You wish for what?"

"Nothing, it's impossible." He waves it off and we contiued watching it.

As the movie ended.
I haven't noticed how we have both fallen asleep in each others arms, i have only noticed it in the morning as we were cuddling like that.

Honestly i would do that all over again even though it was a little embarrassing.

I was looking at his sleeping face. He looks so cute. Ugh i wanna touch him, i wanna kiss him so badly.
What if kiss him real quick, he wouldn't wake up right?

Maybe i could do it quick.

A small peck on his small but nice and plump lips, they look so smooth, just waiting to be kissed by me.

I pull close to him, preparing to kiss him but he suddenly opens his eyes and i pulled away quickly.

"Morning." He murmurs.

"Good morning, i guess we have fallen asleep after the movie."

"Mhm." He says and accidentally cuddles more into me, not that i mind.

"Beast Boy?" I ask

My heart is beating so fast.


"We need to get up." I whispered softly. I can't stop looking at him, if he doesn't let go, then i might just kiss him.

"Just a bit more." He says as he cuddles into me more.

"Fine." I gave in to his request and pulled him close and i fell asleep again. Holding him close to me, it feels as if he is mine.

But how do i actually make him mine?

Hey guys.
Schools been a bit tough so no time to think about the story, i still trying to write a bit tho.
Bug out😜💖

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