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Third's POV
Beast Boy and Robin finally got back to tower and settled down in Robin's room.

They knew what just happened with Felix couldn't be avoided or cancel it to talk next time.
Now it was the time to come clean, so if it was, they why did they still felt sad and awkward, sitting in a room next to each other.

Once friends, then friends who fought and then fake lovers?

What are they? Robin still wouldn't want to confess to BB the right way, only threw those words he gave him.
While Beast Boy wanted to tell Robin for so long how he felt but he is still scared, he doesn't understand those words he got but he may does now.

He is scared that maybe that was all inside of his head.

No dared to speak but at some point they had to.

"So.." Robin started.

"So, what happened?" BB finally decided to ask.

"I was wondering the same thing. Firstly you played as my fake boyfriend." Robin says confused.

"Yeah. We should talk about some things. Like that for example."

"I don't know if i can listen to you right now actually." Robin suddenly says and stands up.
Before he could go away Beast Boy took a hold of his wrist.

"Wait don't leave. We can't have another misunderstanding between us. This hurts too much." Beast Boy said sadly.

"I c-can't" Robin stuttered. Beast Boy noticed a change in his voice.

"Look at me please." He asked him.

Robin didn't respond, he was still facing away from him, still being held by Beast Boy's hand.

Beast Boy stepped closer and turn him to his side so he could look at him, only to see him crying.

"Why are you crying? Hey, let's talk, I'm here." He immediately tried to calm him down as he put his hands on his cheeks to wipe the tears away.

Robin continued to cry, BB decided to drag him back to the bed so he could hug him and more easily calm him down.

"Beasti i c-can't talk to you r-right now." He said between sobs.

"Why, come on, we need to talk so we can solve the problem." He said calmly to him.

"Don't you understand?! You're hurting me." Robin suddenly yelled at him.

"You found out the most stupid way that i love you, you even pretended to be my boyfriend but i don't get why? The worst thing is, you still didn't understand all the words i gave you and they are so important." Robin cried out.
Beast Boy brought him closer and hugged him tight. He brought his head into his neck, so he could rest there.

"I think i figured out the letters the moment we talked in that caffee with Felix, i thought i was imagining things and i said i was your boyfriend well.....I WAS JELAOUS!" After he said that, Robin's eyes widen and he removed his head from his neck to look at him.


"I love you too Robin. I was scared. I was stupid, I'm so sorry i didn't realise it earlier. I'm sorry that i hurted you so much." Now Beast Boy joined him in crying.

"I don't understand. All of a sudden?" Robin asked but he felt happy, happy that he felt the same way.

"It's not, i was just afraid of telling you. Also i got really jelaous of Felix, seeing how close he was to you, i thought you liked him so i wanted to tell you how i feel so i could get over you."

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