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Third's POV
Beast Boy and Robin met up later as BB suggested it.

"How is it going with words?"

(A/N: did you guys crack it?)

"Still don't get it. Is it important?"

"I already told you what is it." Robin says while smiling at him.
"Anyway, how are you?" He didn't wanna talk about the word game so he instead he wanted to check on how is he.

"I'm okay. So i know what are we gonna do."

"Yeah, what is it?" Robin asked excitedly

"Hang out with me the whole day, let's go out, let's go back to the way we were before." BB said sadly but still hoping Robin would agree with him.
"I can't stay mad at you for so long" BB shrugged with his shoulders.

"Of course." Robin says and runs up to him to hug him.

"Starting now, let's go watch a movie." BB suggests.

"Sure." Robin took him by the hand and led him to his room.


Both sitting on Robin's bed, looking at the laptop for what movie they should watch.

"Hey listen, you know that i never meant to hurt you." Robin says sadly.

"I know, so stop apologising already." He smiled at him.

"I'm just so afraid if i lose you over something stupid."

"Robin." He sighed and gave him a hug.
They ended up laying down and cuddling.

"You won't lose me."

"I feel like I'm already losing you." Robin says as he sighed.

"You aren't. I'll always be with you." He said to him alerted as he looked him directly in the eyes.

"What would i do without you?" He asked him.

"You probably wouldn't know what movie to watch. I always recommend the best ones." Beast Boy say happily at him and Robin just laughs.

"So what are we watching?" BB asked him.

"Whatever you want."

"Okay." He chosen Tangled.

Threw the movie, BB couldn't stop stealing glances at Robin.
He couldn't concentrate on the movie at all.

Suddenly Robin's phone started ringing.
He looked at who's calling and his eyes widen.

"Let me answer this."

"Hey wassup?" He greeted someone whoever was on the phone.

BB was looking at him with curiosity.

"What now?" He looked at BB with sad eyes.

"I can't right now. Is it important?" He asks.

He sighed.
"Fine. I'll be there in 10." He says and hangs up.

"I'm sorry but i need to go meet those friends, the friends you saw me with last time. You're welcome to come with me. It's just that Felix needs to tell me something important." He explained.

"Yeah, i will come." Beast Boy wanted to go just so he could meet them in person finally, but he was also curious about what was so important that he needed to go.

They both got ready and drove off on Robin motorcycle. Beast Boy holding tight, behind him.


They finally arrived at their destination.
Robin immediately saw Felix waiting for him at the table with his drink.

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